Creo que a xente que me conoce sabe que a política é unha merda da que non me gusta falar. Poido decir que antes de entrar na facultade de Economía era un tema que nin me iba nin me viña, no medio da carreira e casi por forza empecei a ver algo sobre os tejemanejes do asunto, e finalmente empezoume a interesar en certo grado. A conclusión á que fun chegando é que canto máis sabía, menos entendía sobre a nosa realidade e máis noxo me daba.
A opinión personal sobre a xente que está vinculada a partidos políticos é que tampouco me ofrece moita confianza, e conozco a algún, de diferentes bandos. E a conclusión á que fun chegando pouco a pouco sobre esa xente é que non ten nin puñetera idea de nada. O único requisito para chegar a ser político é ter boa imaxe, bon márketing, saber vender ideas das que nin alcanzan a comprender o seu significado presente nin futuro. Todo se basa en pose, pose sen contido, e dentro da pose a mentira enmascarada de certa base lonxana (tamén chamada tergiversación da realidade).
Así cando antes alguén me preguntaba ou intentaba sacarme "de qué bando vas" coma se fose un partido do Real Madrid contra o Barcelona, eu solía responder "eu non voto e non me queixo". Por suposto había cousas que me gustaban e outras non de cada un dos bandos, pero tampouco me importaba demasiado a decir verdade, e obviaba ese tema, únicamente para contexto familiar.
Agora estamos nun caso completamente diferente, no que me vexo con dereito a queixarme desde fai uns anos, e especialmente neste último ¡todos deberíamos de estar a queixarnos!
Tal vez si un o vé desde unha perspectiva influída por estudios de cariz económico relativamente avanzados, e observa que desde que se iniciou esta crise, o goberno estivo a dar paos de cego ou incluso peor: a facer xusto o contrario do que os expertos da economía mundial aconsellan e o que se aconsella nos nosos libros de texto dos grandes coma Keynes ou Smith sobre macro-microeconomía e tamén o que foi a historia -lección- "aprendida" sobre outros casos de outros países, un sólo pode desquiciarse e botarse as máns á cabeza coa cruz de incompetentes que temos gobernándonos neste país.
Era obvio que necesitabamos un gran Pacto de Estado -axudado por reducción de GPúblico-, era a única forma de sacarnos adiante, pero debe ser que a oposición é igual de incompetente. Ningún dos dous da o brazo a torcer desde que empezou todo, non sei con qué argumento -supoño que será algo dos pilares da política do partido, ou simplemente porque son inútiles ignorantes, con todas as letras-, e esto estanos a costar moito a todos os españoles. O curioso é que haxa xente que non o vexa -queira ver- así.. outros talcuales. Coma acérrimos do Madrid contra acérrimos do Barcelona. Tal vez iría sendo hora de facer ver que esto non é un partido de fútbol nin unha batalla de moros contra cristianos. Todos vamos no mesmo barco, e se hai que botar ó capitan porque a cuberta lévase enchendo de auga desde fai días, hai que tiralo pola borda. Motín! Igual é tarde, pero mellor tarde ca nunca.
Desde que fai como 3 ou 4 anos mo dixera un profesor, non me dera cuenta tampouco, pero os políticos que están agora no alto, non teñen carisma nin clase ningunha. Con razón a xente os vé coma un dos principales problemas. Parece que ó seu lado os que tiveramos antes foran grandes expertos e intelectuales.
Eu non sei, últimamente casi me sinto avergonzado, desencantado ou indignado de vivir neste país. Parece que sexan máis importantes os velos, os accidentes de tráfico, unha muller que se queixa do profesor, un juez que é xuzgado, revivir a transición, o aborto, etc. que o paro, a economía, a formación e a educación.
Que a xente parece que se vaia antes a unha folga para que o seu equipo de fútbol non descenda (recordando o bochornoso caso do Celta, no que todo Vigo -iba meter un adxectivo despectivo contra a xente que se manifestou, pero vou pasar, non sexa que haxa moito forofo fanático- se foi á calle á protestar para que non baixase de categoría pola deuda millonaria do club lexítima) pero non para que as cousas que realmente importan cambien. Hai tantas polas que protestar... empezando polo recorte das libertades da ley Sinde ou a subida do IVA, cousa que sólo un zoquete podía plantear en época de crisis (si queredes saber máis técnicamente porqué, igual me animo cun post sobre ese tema). Por certo polo que oín parece que o goberno actual xusto despois de propoñer a subida do IVA, pensou en retirar a medida -supoño que porque é unha imbecilidade que sólo pode retrasarnos máis na salida da crise-, pero parece que seguiron adiante con ela porque senón "sería unha mostra de debilidade ante a sociedade e oposición de non ter as cousas claras e non ter un plan de actuación". Falando de planes... ¿qué tal co Plan de Sostenibilidade económica? Ben, non? non sei cantos centos de medidas anticrisis buenísimas todas, non? Xa o levamos notando desde fai uns meses...
E por outro lado o rasero dos sindicatos xa é máis que alarmante. ¿Donde están, por certo? nalgún viaxe de "negocios" por Brasil? nalgunha cena-reunión no Hotel Rich? coma decía o nombre daquel grupo .. omenomejodas...
Bochornoso. Todo.
4.612.700 parados.
3.000 parados por día.
Tasa de paro de 20'1%
El paro juvenil en España se mantendrá por encima del 40% al menos durante 2011
Zapatero (28 Abril 2010): Empezamos a dejar atrás la recesión"
jueves, abril 29, 2010
lunes, abril 19, 2010
O Pixo barato
Hai días que un non para coas sorpresas, xusto fai unhas horas acabome de enterar que se escribides as palabras "chepudas" "y" "peludas", a primeira entrada de Google é xusto o meu blog falando das fillas de zapaterror. E eso que non estaba escrito así no post! senón nalgún comentario (descubrino gracias a alguén de Colombia que puxo eso no buscador e chegou ata a miña páxina, non me preguntedes qué buscaba, pero espero que non esteña relacionado con aquel outro post... XD)
E hoxe vin a luz mentres que vía a que debe ser a versión máis patética da historia do cine de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas en T5.....
... logo do Mitsubishi Pajero e o Mitsubishi Laputa, chegou o... Pixo! o Nissan Pixo!

Hai que ver estes creativos das marcas a imaxinación que teñen XDD No momento non mo cría, pero despois xa non puiden parar de rir... e claro... ahora xa non poido parar de pensar nas típicas bromas...
..sacar o Pixo...
...ter un Pixo descapotable...
...cambiarlle o aceite ó Pixo...
...quedouseche no camiño o Pixo...
...meterlle caña ó Pixo...
...unha carreira co Pixo...
....ter o Pixo cheo de lama...
...que non hai onde aparcar o Pixo...
...que o Pixo falla no embrague...
...estrenar o Pixo...
... o freno.. o acelerador.. o garaxe.. o parking...o abrillantador... para a ciudad.. para o pueblo... todo ten posibilidades para pasar unha boa tarde amena falando de Pixos!
... e Google ademáis axúdanos... porque escribindo Pixo xa vos saltan fotos e enlaces de "o pixo frontal", o "pixo barato", "nissan presenta o seu Pixo" etc etc etc XDDD aih ainda me tiven rindo un bon cacho...
Así que xa sabedes... tedes "nuevo PIXO desde 5900 €"! unha ganga oiga! o que xa non debería ser tanto é o de "mínimo consumo" XDDDD
E hoxe vin a luz mentres que vía a que debe ser a versión máis patética da historia do cine de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas en T5.....
... logo do Mitsubishi Pajero e o Mitsubishi Laputa, chegou o... Pixo! o Nissan Pixo!

NOTA: para los no-gallegohablantes, pixo ó pixa significa polla/pene/tranca/pito/manubrio/.... en gallego
..sacar o Pixo...
...ter un Pixo descapotable...
...cambiarlle o aceite ó Pixo...
...quedouseche no camiño o Pixo...
...meterlle caña ó Pixo...
...unha carreira co Pixo...
....ter o Pixo cheo de lama...
...que non hai onde aparcar o Pixo...
...que o Pixo falla no embrague...
...estrenar o Pixo...
... o freno.. o acelerador.. o garaxe.. o parking...o abrillantador... para a ciudad.. para o pueblo... todo ten posibilidades para pasar unha boa tarde amena falando de Pixos!
... e Google ademáis axúdanos... porque escribindo Pixo xa vos saltan fotos e enlaces de "o pixo frontal", o "pixo barato", "nissan presenta o seu Pixo" etc etc etc XDDD aih ainda me tiven rindo un bon cacho...
Así que xa sabedes... tedes "nuevo PIXO desde 5900 €"! unha ganga oiga! o que xa non debería ser tanto é o de "mínimo consumo" XDDDD
jueves, abril 15, 2010
Peter Steele morto ós 48 anos... desta vez parece que non é broma
... dín por ahí... quén sabe.. o grupo Type O Negative sempre tivo un sentido do humor bastante macabro. Fai xa 5 anos, sorprendían a fans colgando no seu myspace unha foto dunha lápida co nombre de Peter Steele, para despois desmentilo (me parto...). Pero parece que desta vez algún membro escribeu en algunha web especializada que sí é certo, que tivo un fallo cardíaco.
Ainda non hai comunicado oficial, por certo, supoño que se confirmará pronto...
Algo para coñecer máis de Peter Steele
RIP? Peter Steele.
Ainda non hai comunicado oficial, por certo, supoño que se confirmará pronto...
Algo para coñecer máis de Peter Steele
RIP? Peter Steele.
Qué pasaría si enviamos todolos presidentes a unha isla deserta?
Este é o fío argumental de "Isla Presidencial", unha serie en flash ó tipo de cálico electrónico (que por certo, esa cousa sigue ou xa se extingueu definitivamente? porque mira que era cansino...)
De momento sólo levan 2 capítulos, pero parece que o piloto conseguiu chamar a atención bastante e chovéronlles ofertas ós creadores, polo que vín na tele (sí, é un milagro que vise algo desa morralla, pero na 2ª a veces teñen cousas nas que tes podes parar aparte de CNN+ e as mañás de Cuatro). Parece que a única condición que puxeron ante tal montón de ofertas promocionales era que respetasen a súa liberdade de guión e humor.
Por aquí tedes o piloto + "la pesca" , o segundo. A cousa pinta graciosa, ainda que xa se empeza a intuír quenes van ser os protagonistas.. e bueno... témome que pode acabar cansando, pero como anécdota está ben.
Falando de tele, o que vín hoxe tampouco ten desperdicio: ésta é o "personaje" (con todos os matices despectivos) que máis triunfa na Telebazofia de hoxe en día, e que segundo as estadísticas, tan sólo a súa presencia nun programa xa fai que suba un % importante a súa cuota e ademáis é unha das mellores pagadas... e tal vez o modelo a seguir por novos/As que ven TV sen control ou que creen que para triunfar e ser algo na vida o único que hai que facer é o paripé nalgún ente público. Ésto é o que temos... e a Crisis é o que merecemos.... porque se houbese mellor formación da xuventude... esta persona non debería ter pasado nin 10 segundos pola TV antes de que este país de paletos contentos coa caixa lle dera a espalda a tal esperpento mediático.
Sí, hoxe estou especialmente acedo polas miñas historias.. e eso unido a que vín "300" en "galego" .. arrghh xa me entrou a "mala ostia" contra "podricallos" coma a ésta (sí! Leónidas chamou "podricallos", ademáis de "porcos" e "baldreus" ós tipos eses desfigurados ós que Esparta pedía consello XD)
De momento sólo levan 2 capítulos, pero parece que o piloto conseguiu chamar a atención bastante e chovéronlles ofertas ós creadores, polo que vín na tele (sí, é un milagro que vise algo desa morralla, pero na 2ª a veces teñen cousas nas que tes podes parar aparte de CNN+ e as mañás de Cuatro). Parece que a única condición que puxeron ante tal montón de ofertas promocionales era que respetasen a súa liberdade de guión e humor.
Por aquí tedes o piloto + "la pesca" , o segundo. A cousa pinta graciosa, ainda que xa se empeza a intuír quenes van ser os protagonistas.. e bueno... témome que pode acabar cansando, pero como anécdota está ben.
Falando de tele, o que vín hoxe tampouco ten desperdicio: ésta é o "personaje" (con todos os matices despectivos) que máis triunfa na Telebazofia de hoxe en día, e que segundo as estadísticas, tan sólo a súa presencia nun programa xa fai que suba un % importante a súa cuota e ademáis é unha das mellores pagadas... e tal vez o modelo a seguir por novos/As que ven TV sen control ou que creen que para triunfar e ser algo na vida o único que hai que facer é o paripé nalgún ente público. Ésto é o que temos... e a Crisis é o que merecemos.... porque se houbese mellor formación da xuventude... esta persona non debería ter pasado nin 10 segundos pola TV antes de que este país de paletos contentos coa caixa lle dera a espalda a tal esperpento mediático.
Sí, hoxe estou especialmente acedo polas miñas historias.. e eso unido a que vín "300" en "galego" .. arrghh xa me entrou a "mala ostia" contra "podricallos" coma a ésta (sí! Leónidas chamou "podricallos", ademáis de "porcos" e "baldreus" ós tipos eses desfigurados ós que Esparta pedía consello XD)
miércoles, abril 14, 2010
2009 Music Results
I wanted to wait a bit more to make a definitive list of my favourites of 2009 cause I was waiting to listen to more stuff that I had kept for quieter times since the period December-February was way busy for me. In those months I barely listened anything new so I was just saving music "for laters" and I found that I had kept "just" some hundreds of albums. I finally made up this list without listening all the stuff I wanted to listen, like for example the latest of Ellipsis, but again, new releases from 2010 are piling up here.
So, finally:
2009 - Top 25
01-Dalriada - Arany-Album
02-Nokturnal Mortum -The Voice of Steel
03-Damned Spirits' Dance - Weird Constellations
04-Ensiferum - From Afar
05-Arkona - Goi, Rode, Goi!
06-Carcariass - E-xtinction
07-Madder Mortem - Eight Ways
08-Kalisia - Cybion
09-Crimfall - As The Path Unfolds...
10-Tyr - By the Light of the Northern Star
11-Coronatus - Fabula Magna
12-Coram Lethe - A Splendid Chaos
13-Kreator - Hordes of Chaos
14-Absu - Absu
15-The Devin Townsend Project - Addicted!
16-Finsterforst - ... Zum Tode Hin
17-Black Sun Aeon -Darkness Walks Beside Me
18-Powerwolf - Bible Of The Beast
19-Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
20-Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome
21-Cemetery Of Scream - Frozen Images
22-Be'lakor - Stone's Reach
23-Soulfallen - Grave New World
24-Obscura - Cosmogenesis
25-Witheria - Painful Escape
And, as always, in relation with surprises and letdowns:
I know many of you think the biggest surprise in relation to music worldwide is the joining of the 2 eighties tit-techno-pop stars Sabrina Salerno and Samantha Fox making that cover song of Blondie "Call me"...
...they surely know the song they want to cover, hmmm well maybe not so sure...
... but I finally decided to give another list with the bands just released their first CD or I didn't know their previous work till 2009. You can find out about them clicking over the names:
Surprises 2009
Crimfall - As The Path Unfolds
Hammer Horde - Under The Mighty Oath
Elenium - Eccentric Soul's Anatomy
Black Sun Aeon -Darkness Walks Beside Me
Kalisia - Cybion
The Mistral - When The Evening Crowns The Day
Damned Spirit's Dance - Weird Constellations
The Trophy - The Gift of Life
Onheil - Razor
Leprous - Tally Poppy Syndrome
Elegy - A Voice Will Call
Karlahan - A Portrait of Life
The Few Against Many - Sot
Strandhogg - Ritualistic Plague (Evangelical Death Apotheosis)
Debbie Ray - Artificial Misery
Whyzdom - From The Brink Of Infinity
Letdowns 2009
My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire
Same with their previous "A Line of Deathless Kings", this album got me too bored.
Believer - Gabriel
I remember very good things about this almost "cult" christian band. This was the coming back to the scene after more than 15 years and seems it would be better they stayed in the shadows.
Queensryche - American Soldier
I can't believe they are they same band that released that "Operation Mindcrime". They are totally lost after the beginning of the 90's, and with American Soldier they did their worst work ever. Unbearable.
Samael - Above
After that ... joke? that members of Samael had a different band which name I forgot for trying to return to their rawest sound, they finally released those songs under Samael's name and I think it could be much better that they released that stuff creating another different band. After the probable poor reviews they could return back to Samael and follow the good path. So yes, I am trying to say that I think this album under a different and unknown name would pass totally unnoticed.
Trollfest - Villanden
I had fun listening their previous work, ok not so much as to play that everyday, but it was crazy and funny. Their album of 2009 was too difficult even to finish. I admit I got stucked in the first minutes and never again.
Vader - Necropolis
Very poor attempt from one of the kings of the polish death metal. I could notice too few work behind the riffs and few inspiration that their good production could solve just in the surface.
Europe - Last Look At Eden
They are obviously not anymore the band of the 80's, and probably much better like this, it would sound maybe too unreal. But I dont like the way of pop-rock-hardrock they took. I expected something more about the creators of many timeless great Rock songs.
Halford - Winter Songs
No comments. Well, yes, just one word: shame.
Lita Ford - Wicked Wonderland
Omg what happened to this woman to turn into a kind of poor Marylin Manson with those electronics and industrial samplings and her voice sounding like crap (not even talking about the shit songs)???
Brainstorm - Memorial Roots
Slow, uninspired, weak, dull. The beginning of the end of Brainstorm?
Helloween - Unarmed
A joke that just them and their closest fans might like. A lame for the rest of us who grew with those great songs they converted into an album of 1 unbeareable hour. I liked the idea of making their own cover songs but not in this way.
And finally, something that some of you might find interesting to catch one or two or maybe many bands that you didnt know and might like: a 7-link compilation for 2009.
I have been listening and thinking about the best method for organizing and I decided to do like this:
- first 2 links: my best of 2009. One song per each band, with the order of my top.
- next links: divided by styles (I was thinking a lot for making a good division and have been listening all the material I have once and again, which took me several months). Most of those albums were good ones and there are also some good songs in not so good albums. Anyway, I think it is a good chance for knowing music that you might find interesting.
If you miss something or find that I didnt ment some famous'09 releases like the ones from Immortal or Dark Funeral or hmm Oranssi Pazuzu or Epica or Illdisposed or Katatonia or Marduk or Leaves' Eyes ... it is just that under my point of view they are not so good. Not for considering them as a letdown, but I didnt find them so interesting (and I gave them more than one chance..)
Best of 2009 I - The top 25
01 - Dalriada - Szent Lаszlв 2
02 - Nokturnal Mortum - Шляхом Сонця
03 - Damned Spirit's Dance - The Angel And The Dark River
04 - Ensiferum - Twilight Tavern
05 - Arkona - Yarilo
06 - Carcariass - Domination
07 - Madder Mortem - The Little Things
08 - Kalisia - Fusion Rebellion
09 - Crimfall - The Crown Of Treason
10 - Tyr - Hold the Heathen Hammer high
11 - Coronatus - Wolfstanz
12 - Coram Lethe - Passione Della Carne
13 - Kreator - To The After Burn
Best of 2009 II - The top 25
14 - Absu - Amy
15 - The Devin Townsend Project - Numbered
16 - Finsterforst - Urquell
17 - Black Sun Aeon - A Song For My Funeral
18 - Powerwolf - Seven Deadly Saints
19 - Candlemass - Dead Angel
20 - Leprous - Dare You
21 - Cemetery Of Scream - Prince Of The City's Lights
22 - Be'lakor - Held in Hollows
23 - Soulfallen - Devour
24 - Obscura - Anticosmic Overload
25 - Witheria - Legions Of Evil
Best of 2009 III - Viking/Pagan/Folk
01 - Alestorm - Keelhauled
02 - Black Messiah - Gullveig
03 - Blackguard - This Rounds On Me
04 - Claim The Throne - Set Sail On Me
05 - Der Galgen - Geschick
06 - Eluveitie - Omnos
07 - Glittertind - Glittertind
08 - Hammer Horde - Triumph Of Sword And Shield
09 - Ignis Fatuu - Nordwind
10 - Irminsul - Vigridsltt
11 - Karlahan - Twilight
12 - Manegarm - Nattsjäl, Dromsjäl
13 - Nachtgeschrei - Muspilli
14 - Obscurity - Varusschlacht
15 - Obsidieth - In Loss Of All
16 - Suidakra - Giilded Oars
17 - Vicious Crusade - Bang the Drum
Best of 2009 IV - Hard Rock/Heavy/Thrash
01 - Amorphis - Skyforger
02 - Burning Black - Secrets To Hide
03 - Cage - Stranger In Black
04 - Chainsaw - At Callanish
05 - Crash The System - Without Chances
06 - Danger Danger - Killin' Love
07 - Debbie Ray - Dirty Darling
08 - Dynazty - Bring The Thunder
09 - Geff - Land Of The Free
10 - Gotthard - Right From Wrong
11 - Heathen - Dying Season
12 - Hellfueled - In Anger
13 - Megadeth - Endgame
14 - Mystic Prophecy - Father Save Me
15 - Nightmare - Eternal Winter
16 - Outloud - We Run
17 - Saxon - Batallions Of Steel
18 - Susperia - Character Flaw
19 - The Trophy - The Way I Am
20 - W.E.T. - Invincible
21 - Winger - Big World Away
Best of 2009 V - Black/Death
01 - Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyong Realms Ov Amenti
02 - Chthonic - Forty-Nine Theurgy Chains
03 - Code - Smother the Crones
04 - Der Weg einer Freiheit - Ewigkeit
05 - Elenium - Towards Dismal Ecstasy
06 - Gorod - Guilty of Dispersal
07 - Hellsaw - A Suicide Journey
08 - Hypocrisy - Valley Of The Damned
09 - Necrophobic - Revelation 666
10 - Onheil - Rain Of Fire
11 - Razor Of Occam - Pattern On The Stone
12 - Strandhogg - Deathworshippers (Ritualistic Plague)
13 - Svarttjern - Code Human
14 - The Sarcophagus - Hymn to Awakening
15 - This Ending - Parasites
Best of 2009 VI - Gothic/Power/Progressive
01 - Compos Mentis - Ghost Song
02 - Dark Age - 10 Steps To Nausea
03 - Dawn Of Destiny - Dying Alone
04 - Deathstars - Death Dies Hard
05 - Diablo Swing Orchestra - A Rancid Romance
06 - Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Tears Of Autumn Rain
07 - Freak Kitchen - Hip Hip Hoorah
08 - Gwyllion - The Night Awakes
09 - Krusader - Again
10 - Mob Rules - Trial By Fire
11 - Paradise Lost - I Remain
12 - Pathosray - Behind The Shadows
13 - Psychostatus - Chains Of Life
14 - Ram-Zet - 222
15 - Raven - Follow Me
16 - Sirenia - The Mind Maelstrom
17 - Trail Of Tears - In The Valley Of Ashes
18 - Waltari - Below Zero
19 - Whyzdom - Everlasting Child
Best of 2009 VII - Melodeath/Doom/Industrial
01 - Agathodaimon - Ground Zero
02 - Agregator - Ejfel Fele
03 - Avatar - Reload
04 - Count Raven - The Poltergeist
05 - Deals Death - Concrete conflict
06 - Edge Of Serenity - Inside
07 - Elegy - Elegy
08 - Embrace Selegy - Prayer
09 - Ensoph - Shame On You
10 - Fear Of Domination - Fear Of Domination
11 - Ghost Brigade - Suffocated
12 - In Grief - Modern Truth
13 - Isole - Nightfall
14 - Persefone - The Endless Path
15 - Raubtier - En Starkare Art
16 - Swallow The Sun - And Heavens Cried Blood
17 - The Few Against Many - Blod
18 - The Mistral - Careless
Took ages to finish this post!
So, finally:
2009 - Top 25
01-Dalriada - Arany-Album
02-Nokturnal Mortum -The Voice of Steel
03-Damned Spirits' Dance - Weird Constellations
04-Ensiferum - From Afar
05-Arkona - Goi, Rode, Goi!
06-Carcariass - E-xtinction
07-Madder Mortem - Eight Ways
08-Kalisia - Cybion
09-Crimfall - As The Path Unfolds...
10-Tyr - By the Light of the Northern Star
11-Coronatus - Fabula Magna
12-Coram Lethe - A Splendid Chaos
13-Kreator - Hordes of Chaos
14-Absu - Absu
15-The Devin Townsend Project - Addicted!
16-Finsterforst - ... Zum Tode Hin
17-Black Sun Aeon -Darkness Walks Beside Me
18-Powerwolf - Bible Of The Beast
19-Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
20-Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome
21-Cemetery Of Scream - Frozen Images
22-Be'lakor - Stone's Reach
23-Soulfallen - Grave New World
24-Obscura - Cosmogenesis
25-Witheria - Painful Escape
And, as always, in relation with surprises and letdowns:
I know many of you think the biggest surprise in relation to music worldwide is the joining of the 2 eighties tit-techno-pop stars Sabrina Salerno and Samantha Fox making that cover song of Blondie "Call me"...
...they surely know the song they want to cover, hmmm well maybe not so sure...
... but I finally decided to give another list with the bands just released their first CD or I didn't know their previous work till 2009. You can find out about them clicking over the names:
Surprises 2009
Crimfall - As The Path Unfolds
Hammer Horde - Under The Mighty Oath
Elenium - Eccentric Soul's Anatomy
Black Sun Aeon -Darkness Walks Beside Me
Kalisia - Cybion
The Mistral - When The Evening Crowns The Day
Damned Spirit's Dance - Weird Constellations
The Trophy - The Gift of Life
Onheil - Razor
Leprous - Tally Poppy Syndrome
Elegy - A Voice Will Call
Karlahan - A Portrait of Life
The Few Against Many - Sot
Strandhogg - Ritualistic Plague (Evangelical Death Apotheosis)
Debbie Ray - Artificial Misery
Whyzdom - From The Brink Of Infinity
Letdowns 2009
My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire
Same with their previous "A Line of Deathless Kings", this album got me too bored.
Believer - Gabriel
I remember very good things about this almost "cult" christian band. This was the coming back to the scene after more than 15 years and seems it would be better they stayed in the shadows.
Queensryche - American Soldier
I can't believe they are they same band that released that "Operation Mindcrime". They are totally lost after the beginning of the 90's, and with American Soldier they did their worst work ever. Unbearable.
Samael - Above
After that ... joke? that members of Samael had a different band which name I forgot for trying to return to their rawest sound, they finally released those songs under Samael's name and I think it could be much better that they released that stuff creating another different band. After the probable poor reviews they could return back to Samael and follow the good path. So yes, I am trying to say that I think this album under a different and unknown name would pass totally unnoticed.
Trollfest - Villanden
I had fun listening their previous work, ok not so much as to play that everyday, but it was crazy and funny. Their album of 2009 was too difficult even to finish. I admit I got stucked in the first minutes and never again.
Vader - Necropolis
Very poor attempt from one of the kings of the polish death metal. I could notice too few work behind the riffs and few inspiration that their good production could solve just in the surface.
Europe - Last Look At Eden
They are obviously not anymore the band of the 80's, and probably much better like this, it would sound maybe too unreal. But I dont like the way of pop-rock-hardrock they took. I expected something more about the creators of many timeless great Rock songs.
Halford - Winter Songs
No comments. Well, yes, just one word: shame.
Lita Ford - Wicked Wonderland
Omg what happened to this woman to turn into a kind of poor Marylin Manson with those electronics and industrial samplings and her voice sounding like crap (not even talking about the shit songs)???
Brainstorm - Memorial Roots
Slow, uninspired, weak, dull. The beginning of the end of Brainstorm?
Helloween - Unarmed
A joke that just them and their closest fans might like. A lame for the rest of us who grew with those great songs they converted into an album of 1 unbeareable hour. I liked the idea of making their own cover songs but not in this way.
And finally, something that some of you might find interesting to catch one or two or maybe many bands that you didnt know and might like: a 7-link compilation for 2009.
I have been listening and thinking about the best method for organizing and I decided to do like this:
- first 2 links: my best of 2009. One song per each band, with the order of my top.
- next links: divided by styles (I was thinking a lot for making a good division and have been listening all the material I have once and again, which took me several months). Most of those albums were good ones and there are also some good songs in not so good albums. Anyway, I think it is a good chance for knowing music that you might find interesting.
If you miss something or find that I didnt ment some famous'09 releases like the ones from Immortal or Dark Funeral or hmm Oranssi Pazuzu or Epica or Illdisposed or Katatonia or Marduk or Leaves' Eyes ... it is just that under my point of view they are not so good. Not for considering them as a letdown, but I didnt find them so interesting (and I gave them more than one chance..)
Best of 2009 I - The top 25
01 - Dalriada - Szent Lаszlв 2
02 - Nokturnal Mortum - Шляхом Сонця
03 - Damned Spirit's Dance - The Angel And The Dark River
04 - Ensiferum - Twilight Tavern
05 - Arkona - Yarilo
06 - Carcariass - Domination
07 - Madder Mortem - The Little Things
08 - Kalisia - Fusion Rebellion
09 - Crimfall - The Crown Of Treason
10 - Tyr - Hold the Heathen Hammer high
11 - Coronatus - Wolfstanz
12 - Coram Lethe - Passione Della Carne
13 - Kreator - To The After Burn
Best of 2009 II - The top 25
14 - Absu - Amy
15 - The Devin Townsend Project - Numbered
16 - Finsterforst - Urquell
17 - Black Sun Aeon - A Song For My Funeral
18 - Powerwolf - Seven Deadly Saints
19 - Candlemass - Dead Angel
20 - Leprous - Dare You
21 - Cemetery Of Scream - Prince Of The City's Lights
22 - Be'lakor - Held in Hollows
23 - Soulfallen - Devour
24 - Obscura - Anticosmic Overload
25 - Witheria - Legions Of Evil
Best of 2009 III - Viking/Pagan/Folk
01 - Alestorm - Keelhauled
02 - Black Messiah - Gullveig
03 - Blackguard - This Rounds On Me
04 - Claim The Throne - Set Sail On Me
05 - Der Galgen - Geschick
06 - Eluveitie - Omnos
07 - Glittertind - Glittertind
08 - Hammer Horde - Triumph Of Sword And Shield
09 - Ignis Fatuu - Nordwind
10 - Irminsul - Vigridsltt
11 - Karlahan - Twilight
12 - Manegarm - Nattsjäl, Dromsjäl
13 - Nachtgeschrei - Muspilli
14 - Obscurity - Varusschlacht
15 - Obsidieth - In Loss Of All
16 - Suidakra - Giilded Oars
17 - Vicious Crusade - Bang the Drum
Best of 2009 IV - Hard Rock/Heavy/Thrash
01 - Amorphis - Skyforger
02 - Burning Black - Secrets To Hide
03 - Cage - Stranger In Black
04 - Chainsaw - At Callanish
05 - Crash The System - Without Chances
06 - Danger Danger - Killin' Love
07 - Debbie Ray - Dirty Darling
08 - Dynazty - Bring The Thunder
09 - Geff - Land Of The Free
10 - Gotthard - Right From Wrong
11 - Heathen - Dying Season
12 - Hellfueled - In Anger
13 - Megadeth - Endgame
14 - Mystic Prophecy - Father Save Me
15 - Nightmare - Eternal Winter
16 - Outloud - We Run
17 - Saxon - Batallions Of Steel
18 - Susperia - Character Flaw
19 - The Trophy - The Way I Am
20 - W.E.T. - Invincible
21 - Winger - Big World Away
Best of 2009 V - Black/Death
01 - Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyong Realms Ov Amenti
02 - Chthonic - Forty-Nine Theurgy Chains
03 - Code - Smother the Crones
04 - Der Weg einer Freiheit - Ewigkeit
05 - Elenium - Towards Dismal Ecstasy
06 - Gorod - Guilty of Dispersal
07 - Hellsaw - A Suicide Journey
08 - Hypocrisy - Valley Of The Damned
09 - Necrophobic - Revelation 666
10 - Onheil - Rain Of Fire
11 - Razor Of Occam - Pattern On The Stone
12 - Strandhogg - Deathworshippers (Ritualistic Plague)
13 - Svarttjern - Code Human
14 - The Sarcophagus - Hymn to Awakening
15 - This Ending - Parasites
Best of 2009 VI - Gothic/Power/Progressive
01 - Compos Mentis - Ghost Song
02 - Dark Age - 10 Steps To Nausea
03 - Dawn Of Destiny - Dying Alone
04 - Deathstars - Death Dies Hard
05 - Diablo Swing Orchestra - A Rancid Romance
06 - Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Tears Of Autumn Rain
07 - Freak Kitchen - Hip Hip Hoorah
08 - Gwyllion - The Night Awakes
09 - Krusader - Again
10 - Mob Rules - Trial By Fire
11 - Paradise Lost - I Remain
12 - Pathosray - Behind The Shadows
13 - Psychostatus - Chains Of Life
14 - Ram-Zet - 222
15 - Raven - Follow Me
16 - Sirenia - The Mind Maelstrom
17 - Trail Of Tears - In The Valley Of Ashes
18 - Waltari - Below Zero
19 - Whyzdom - Everlasting Child
Best of 2009 VII - Melodeath/Doom/Industrial
01 - Agathodaimon - Ground Zero
02 - Agregator - Ejfel Fele
03 - Avatar - Reload
04 - Count Raven - The Poltergeist
05 - Deals Death - Concrete conflict
06 - Edge Of Serenity - Inside
07 - Elegy - Elegy
08 - Embrace Selegy - Prayer
09 - Ensoph - Shame On You
10 - Fear Of Domination - Fear Of Domination
11 - Ghost Brigade - Suffocated
12 - In Grief - Modern Truth
13 - Isole - Nightfall
14 - Persefone - The Endless Path
15 - Raubtier - En Starkare Art
16 - Swallow The Sun - And Heavens Cried Blood
17 - The Few Against Many - Blod
18 - The Mistral - Careless
Took ages to finish this post!
martes, abril 13, 2010
Documental "El rock en España: un cuerpo extraño"
Aquí vai un documental sobre a historia do rock en España que me encontrei online. A cousa non empeza mal, pero polo medio-final meten cada cousa que... ok.. pode que non consideren o metal dentro do rock e lle dén máis importancia á vertente indie, pero penso que a concepción do rock desde fai anos cambiou e grupos denigrantes e obsoletos coma "Nacha Pop", "Los Fresones nonseiqué" etc teñen moi pouco ou nada que ver coa esencia reivindicativa e de romper o orden pre-establecido e liberación máis inherente ó Rock. Logo que metan a grupos do estilo de Pereza ou Los Planetas, por citar a algún que recorde (esa parte do documental desconectei un pouco), con carisma cero e discutible gusto polo que eles consideran música, xa non me parece serio.
Un comezo interesante e máis ou menos riguroso... unha mitad-final con altibaixos.
Por certo, qué gran frase: "que es el rock? pues el rock es sexo, drogas y rockanrol"
Un comezo interesante e máis ou menos riguroso... unha mitad-final con altibaixos.
Por certo, qué gran frase: "que es el rock? pues el rock es sexo, drogas y rockanrol"
domingo, abril 11, 2010
lunes, abril 05, 2010
Surprises 2009: The Few Against Many - Sot
Band: The Few Against Many
Album: Sot (first album)
Genre: Death Metal / Melodic Death Metal
Country: Sweden
"Sot" was recorded in the mighty Panic-Room studios, together with production-oracle Tomas "Plec" Johansson and features lyrical contribution from Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquility) and Jonas Renkse (Katatonia, Bloodbath). Cover artwork was done by no other than acclaimed artist Dan Seagrave (Morbid Angel, Entombed, Dismember, Suffocation, etc)l!
The Few Against Many is the strange name of the "gothenburg-stars band" formed by Christian Älvestam (ex-Scar Symmetry among others) as vocals and rythm guitar, Patrik Gardberg (from the extinguished Divinefire) as lead guitar, Anders Edlund (from Angel Blake) as bassplayer, Pär Johansson (from the extinguished The Duskfall) as backing vocals and drummer Jani Stefanovic (Am I Blood, Divinefire, Miseration among others). Their music could be a mix between all the previous bands of the members, but with an even better result than most of their releases. The first time I played the cd I thought it would be another metalcore band for some reason (maybe that strange name?) but the blastbeat in the beginning of the album and those choirs and orchestral stuff that showed just for 2 seconds made me to think about a kind of progressive melodeath or something like that.
So yes, many songs have an orchestral touch, but it is very few and just serves to stand out in some concrete parts the riffs, as the ocasional and short boombastic choirs.
Alvestam is doing a great vocal job, and surprisingly he is not singing with clean voice in any moment.
Riffs and songs are catchy, with brutal moments and melodic as well. Keyboards are used ocasionally and production is great. A great pleasure for all the progressive melodeath fans.
The Few Against Many is the strange name of the "gothenburg-stars band" formed by Christian Älvestam (ex-Scar Symmetry among others) as vocals and rythm guitar, Patrik Gardberg (from the extinguished Divinefire) as lead guitar, Anders Edlund (from Angel Blake) as bassplayer, Pär Johansson (from the extinguished The Duskfall) as backing vocals and drummer Jani Stefanovic (Am I Blood, Divinefire, Miseration among others). Their music could be a mix between all the previous bands of the members, but with an even better result than most of their releases. The first time I played the cd I thought it would be another metalcore band for some reason (maybe that strange name?) but the blastbeat in the beginning of the album and those choirs and orchestral stuff that showed just for 2 seconds made me to think about a kind of progressive melodeath or something like that.
So yes, many songs have an orchestral touch, but it is very few and just serves to stand out in some concrete parts the riffs, as the ocasional and short boombastic choirs.
Alvestam is doing a great vocal job, and surprisingly he is not singing with clean voice in any moment.
Riffs and songs are catchy, with brutal moments and melodic as well. Keyboards are used ocasionally and production is great. A great pleasure for all the progressive melodeath fans.

1. Hädanfärd / 02:30
2. Bränd Mark / 05:38
3. Blod / 04:02

4. Skapelsens Sorti / 03:00
5. Sot / 06:41

6. Abider / 03:22

7. Heresi / 04:35
8. One with the Shadow / 06:13
Total playing time 36:01
The link provided serves just as promotional source. The aim is letting know rookie, new or unknown bands with few resources that try to expand their music. Buy the originals if you like them! Help good bands to grow!
surprises 2009 albums,
worth listening
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