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Learn how to dance, dance good!!
The first song is the Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter soundtrack!! XDD
Ram Jam is a 70's american rock band and creators of the famous song "Black Betty" (1977). Bill Bartlett, guitarist leader of Ram Jam took a song from the blues-folk composer Leadbelly (1885-1949) called Black Betty wich was just 1 min. long and arranged and remade it making the popular song we all know.
Ram Jam - Black Betty
Spiderbait is an Australian rock band who have had two top ten albums and another three albums reach the Australian top 40. Their song "Buy Me a Pony" was #1 on the Triple J Hottest 100 for 1996, and the group enjoyed success with their 2004 #1 Australian hit cover of "Black Betty". They started in 1992 and the last release is a greatest hits compilation in 2005 after 6 albums.
Spiderbait - Black Betty
Unha das principales razóns polas que escollín este black betty foron ambos videos (a versión de Spiderbait tamén me gusta bastante :P) pero o video de Ram Jam... qué despliegue! eu paseime a maior parte do tempo ríndome entre o baixista-que paaaaxa, o outro do fondo á izquierda espernexando que parece que pillaron a un puesto de ácido na calle para facer bulto (aihg que anos 70... ollo que por veces parece que se vai caer de verdad XDD) e o cantante tal cual Giles en Bad Taste con pelos largos XDD.
Logo ta o trasfondo, unha casa na que os dueños parecen estar á dereita cos brazos cruzados "a ver cándo acaban estes hippies co video este no noso jardín" e cerca tamén as harleys coas "nenas" que bailan cando lles vén en gana XD
Aparte ¿non parece coma si grabaran 1 minuto e repetiran as imáxenes unha e outra vez? XD
Logo está a cousa de... a ver qué grupo de rock se atreve ahora a sacar un single con casi 2 minutos de solos!!!!