Polonia... salvo a superestrella do Rock na que se converteu Nergal, non me tiña tanta pinta de estar tan influenciada polo Metal... pero xa vemos que ata na política hai quen pensou en meter uns bos riffs e dobles bombos XD
Pois a noticia é que o candidato dun partido polaco, decideu expandir a súa mensaxe coa seguinte guisa:
Hai quen dí por ahí que ten máis potencial que o último de Morbid Angel... non serei eu quen diga que no XD
Quén nos dera ós españoles ter a Rajoy ou Rubalcaba mandando uns bos guturales coas súas políticas e eslogans... entón sí que habería chicha na campaña electoral!
Jedrzej Wijas, a candidate for parliament in
The lyrics are as follows:
"End of the useless talking,
Enough of the stupid wars,
Secular government,
Dignified life,
Is my goal,
"During the election campaign, there are always spots being released where politicians are trying to show that politics is a fun, enjoyable process that is set to the political rhythm of disco music. In my spot I'm talking about serious issues that are important to me and do not sing that SLD is the best," he explained in an interview with TVN24.pl. He added, "I am trying to wake people up with this intense message."
According to Wijas, he decided to make this type of commercial because he enjoys listening to heavy