As you have noticed, I am not very often in msn, but I have to say I will be quite rarely (nearly never, and not nights at all) in the next 3 months until 30th september.
I will go to work all summer in the bank of a small village, Riotorto.
The village is 1 hour by car far from my hometown, and I have never been there before! (At the moment I don't know how to reach it)
It has around 1500 people living there (yeh! really small!!) and I couldnt find anything related with buses or train or some public transport which reaches there (It really seems to be a lost village!). They haven't hostels, and it seems some people who are working there have their home out in a near village. Well, looking at that, there is just one way: driving, and I am a bit afraid (last time it was before I left to Estonia, around 2 years ago :S:S).
Well, consecuences: busy summer, all summer in my hometown. Probably I will miss the concert of Testament in Vigo (23rd june) and more important, Rotting Christ (26th june) because it will be in the middle of the week :(((
I will be few times in Vigo, maybe just one weekend or 2 to see some festival, and will have in general few free time :( but I need that work and that experience. Even if it's in a place lost in the middle of nothing :D
On the good hand, I will have a lot of nature around :)
On the bad side, far from Vigo to pick someone who would like to visit me and not always free to spend the time as I would like with those ones :(
Of course no trips and few internet, but something I dont want to stop is to go on with this blog. Even if I have few time, I will make it at home and then copy-paste here in a little moment.
So, from 20th forget my msn (On 20th my friend from Estonia, Julia, will come to visit me with her boyfriend and I will show them a bit of Galicia, coming back to Vigo on 22nd june and back to Alfoz, my hometown on 22nd june as well XDD, 23rd I will start working).
Msn will be quite closed until 18th june, the day of my last exam. After that, you can contact me by mail, facebook (as I am doing a lot in the last times) or comment here.
See you.
Head aega :P
Bueno, espero que vos enterarades, o 23 de junio voume a Riotorto a traballar, vivirei en Alfoz e ireime todos os días en coche ata ese sitio, un pouco perdido no mundo, xa sei XDD
Non terei msn ata outubro (alomenos a miúdo e imposible polas noites) así que os únicos medios de contacto son mail ou comentario aqui no blog (ainda casi non coñezo a ninguén que teña facebook e sexa español, ainda que é a comunidade máis extensa a nivel global!), que seguirei actualizando cada poucos dias.
PD: no mapa non me esmerei moito, quedou un pouco chafalleiro, pero da unha idea XDD