Pois resulta que me chegou este mail á miña cuenta:
The file "Enuma Elis - (2006) Obscura Epica.rar" has been suspended
MediaFire User: MediaFire has received a notification per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) that the following file is claimed to be infringing material. The file Enuma Elis - (2006) Obscura Epica.rar identified by the key (egxi2mzm4gh) As a result of this notice and pursuant to Section 512(c)(1)(C) of the DMCA, we have suspended access to the file.
The reason for suspension was:
Copyrighted media relating to 'Epica'
Information about the party that filed the report:
Company Name: Muso
Contact Address:
Contact Name: legal@muso.com
Contact Phone:
Contact Email: legal@muso.com
If you feel this suspension was in error please submit a counter-claim by following the process below.
Step 1, Click on the following link to open the counter-claim webpage.
Step 2, Use this PIN on the counter-claim webpage to begin the process:
Step 3, Fill in the fields on the counter-claim form with as much detail as possible.
This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored or answered.
E eso de que a infracción de copyright ven da palabra "Epica", vai resultar que lle vou ter que pedir permiso a quen a inventou, omevaitetirarórío!
Xa lles mandei un mail de réplica hai como 10 días e non houbo nin resposta nin me repuxeron o enlace... vai ser que esto está chegando un pouco lonxe, ou non?