domingo, enero 29, 2012

Enlil piratea a Enuma Elis

Vaia cómo se están poñendo as cousas logo do cerre de Megaupload. Todos os servidores están coas orellas agachadas e mexando por sí para que ningún FBI lles meta mao. Algúns xa cerraron e outros están cambiando normativas profundamente, pero o que non esperaba era o mensaxe que me chegou desde Mediafire, un servidor co que estaba a gusto a pesar de que levaba tendo problemas para subir cousas desde hai tempo. Alomenos as que tiña subidas de antes mantíñanse sin problemas de caducidade nin nada semellante.
Pois resulta que me chegou este mail á miña cuenta:

The file "Enuma Elis - (2006) Obscura Epica.rar" has been suspended

MediaFire User: MediaFire has received a notification per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) that the following file is claimed to be infringing material. The file Enuma Elis - (2006) Obscura Epica.rar identified by the key (egxi2mzm4gh) As a result of this notice and pursuant to Section 512(c)(1)(C) of the DMCA, we have suspended access to the file.

The reason for suspension was:

Copyrighted media relating to 'Epica'

Information about the party that filed the report:

Company Name: Muso
Contact Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:

Copyright infringement also violates MediaFire’s Terms of Service and our Acceptable Use Policy. MediaFire accounts that experience multiple claims, without viable counter-claim, may be terminated.

If you feel this suspension was in error please submit a counter-claim by following the process below.

Step 1, Click on the following link to open the counter-claim webpage.

Step 2, Use this PIN on the counter-claim webpage to begin the process:


Step 3, Fill in the fields on the counter-claim form with as much detail as possible.

This is a post-only mailing. Replies to this message are not monitored or answered.

Ou sexa que eu me estou pirateando a mín mesmo? se nin sequera metín a música en copyleft nin está rexistrada en ningún lado!
E eso de que a infracción de copyright ven da palabra "Epica", vai resultar que lle vou ter que pedir permiso a quen a inventou, omevaitetirarórío!
Xa lles mandei un mail de réplica hai como 10 días e non houbo nin resposta nin me repuxeron o enlace... vai ser que esto está chegando un pouco lonxe, ou non?