viernes, junio 24, 2011

Cronos, a súa maldade real

Seguindo coa prensa rosa do metal, que sería máis ben rosa chillón (seino, é malo XD), hoxe descubrín que o señor Cronos, de Venom non é nin máis nin menos que o tío de Kate Middleton! Nin máis nin menos que resulta ser o irmán da súa nai, Mary Lant!

En algunhas declaracións, Cronos afirma que tivo desde sempre unha relación cercana coa princesa, e que incluso ela creceu indo a concertos de Venom! e que desde pequena lle daba ben á batería:

We were on tour supporting the Welcome to Hell album when I got the call. Little Katy was about to be born. The band and I cancelled the show and rushed to the hospital. I’ll never forget when I held her for the first time. Abaddon and I broke down in tears. It was beautiful,
She started playing drums at age 7 and even sat in with us a few times during concerts. She played Buried Alive with us at a show in Coventry back during the reunion in 1995 and was amazing. She reminded me a lot of Dave Lombardo.
“She used to call me her favorite uncle. She loved singing songs with me when she was a little girl. We used to sing the song “Black Metal” together. She loved doing the growling part at the end. Now she won’t even talk to me.”

Peeero parece que desde uns meses antes da boda, a relación foise enfriando, e o querido tío non resultou ser invitado Real. Pode que a familia real inglesa se sentira abochornada ou avergonzada por tal parentesco e decidiron deixar a Cronos fóra de todo. Él incluso afirma que había un vídeo en Youtube dela tocando con eles e que foi misteriosamente eliminado... mira que terán poder eses parásitos monárquicos...
“There used to be video of her playing with us up on YouTube, but that was mysteriously taken down months ago. I feel like they are embarrassed by my career as one of the founding fathers of Satan influenced thrash metal. I’m not trying to get famous out of this or make money. I just want my Little Katy back.”
