Last friday I went to see my old flatmates in Tallinn Joao and Mara in their place in Portugal.
Thomas wanted to make them a visit, and I joined them seizing the chance. I know later it would be impossible with school stuff and so on...
So, after some hours by bus, and then by train, I reached Coimbra, the home city of Joao.
And few minutes after me Thomas came, so... absolutely in synchronization!
We were joking later... that we spent almost exactly the same money and time.. one coming from Germany (some thousand km. far) and other coming from 500 km. far hehe
So, first stop: drinking some portuguese beer in Joao's parent's house.
Wheather was absolutly warm for being february, I guess that of the climate change again :)
After walking and hanging around Coimbra, we tried to rest for the next day. In fact, it was a physical day :)
Lousa Mountains
Here we started the trip to the Lousa mountains. This is a medieval castle as many others in Portugal (after this trip, I can say, the medieval-reminiscent-country!)
We walked around the nature to reach to one really old-medieval village, lost in the middle of nothing!
You can see pic by pic how the castle is going to be further and further XDD
Yeh, in this pic is already quite far, don't you think? :)
Wow! after a long long walk, but really enjoyable through forest and nature we reached the village. It seemed we were in another time, in another civilization.. and the landscape was absolutly awesome from there.
Some shots meanwhile the walking period
Yes, that was a bar! :)
Pity it was closed that time
But there was another one where we stopped for a while to have some rest and drink a shot of chestnut liquour.
Here we are!!
Group pic in Lousa's mountains

Arriving to the village:



After that, we went out a bit at night in Coimbra. It was strange for me at first that I didnt see too many people in the streets, but I understood it when Joao told me Coimbra is a student's city (like Santiago de Compostela here) and in weekends there were not too many people... students used to go back their homes.
Unfinished cathedral
Apartments of students (Republicas) where sometimes they had strange ornaments outside, like hanged rag dolls (?) XD
Sight of the old town of Coimbra
University of Coimbra
Like a student's city, Coimbra is full of political graffitis in lots of walls, even I could find 2 in reference of the "freedom" of my region.
Sí, incluso aqui en Coimbra había "GZ livre", ainda que me dá que foi algún galego o que escribiu esto, a xente de Portugal sinte afinidade cos galegos, pero non creo que chegue a tanto. Paréceme máis lóxico pensar que algun erasmus de galicia se unira ó innumerable das pinturas políticas nas paredes da cidade.
In Obidos we can find a medieval fortress, that surrounds the old city (like the walls of Lugo) and in the middle a middle ages' castle.
A quen se vos parece esta xarra??
Peniche cliff
Tomar, the city of the Templar order
This place is absolutly amazing. With the hiking day, this visit made worth the trip.
I encourage everyone, specially if he/she likes the medieval period to visit these places in Portugal. You will end the trip shocked ;)
The Templars also had their time to go to the toilet, though they cared quite few about being some at the same time in the same place XDD
Joao VII, King of Coimbra!
Cool detail in one of the columns
Huge! I tried to put pics and pics, but it's even bigger than you can see here.
Torres Novas, the home of Mara
This is a small district in Torres Novas where the parents of Mara live.
Full of olive trees, calm, green and relaxing place.
Mara's mother invited us to a lunch there, really interesting! homemade bread (yeeeeeeeeeh) homemade cheese, homemade marmelade, fruits just taken from the tree... the best way to have a long and healthy life... eating the best and the tastiest things!
Another castle (ough so many!!)
So that was in a general sight my trip to Portugal, 4 or 5 really great days, full of visits, good moments and rememoring our times in Estonia, and with the nicest company.
I'm really afraid that after this trip... I dont know what to show next time Mara and Joao come to visit me in Galicia heheh
All is few comparing to these amazing places!
So once more, thanks Joao and Mara for being so good hosts and planning so complete journies!
Thanks also to Thomas, and I wish you have good luck in your new experience in Ethiopia. That's really an adventure!!!
And lastly, thanks to the parents of Joao and Mara, for hospitality and being so kind!
See you!
Muito obrigado!!
12 comentarios:
Benvido!! ti si ke lle kitas proveito a unhas vacacions polo ke vexo nas fotos! POr certo, moi bonitas!
Eu de pekena tamen viaxaba moito a Portugal cos meus pais, sobre todo a Porto e a Lisboa.Gústame moito Lisboa.
A última vez ke fun foi pra ver a Metallica.Supoño ke a proxima vez ke vaia sera para ir o Lagoa Festival (espero!)
E por certo: O dia 5 nos imos a Madrid a ver a Fallen Sentinel con Draconian!! estoy ahi desexando ke chegue o dia dunha vez.
Ah! vas a ir a ver a Watain?
por fin vou poder ver o meu mozo actuando, ke tocan con ekles XDDDDD
si vas leva roupa pa cambiarte ke seica son un pouco burros co tema da sangre...a min por si acaso ke non me salpiken si non o espectaculo dareino eu subindo o escenario e mallandoos a paus...hahahaha
Un saúdo!!
Gracias polo das fotos!
Eu, co traballo que me espera proximamente, non creo que volva a salir nin siquiera de Galicia, por eso me apurei a facer esta viaxe canto antes :)
Aha, xa vin no msn de David Z o de que organizan un viaxe desde aqui, seguro que o pasades ben, Draconian é un dos mellores grupos de Doom Gothic que surxiron nos ultimos 10 anos. E o ultimo disco non está mal, non tan bon coma os anteriores, pero non mal.
Polo demáis, Watain é un grupo que oín fai bastante tempo, e posiblemente 1 ou 2 veces, asi que foi directamente ó baúl sen moito recordo, hmm non me debeu chamar moito a atención..., e sendo en Carballo.. uf teríame que recorrer media Galicia, asi que por esta vez non vai ser :)
Gracias por seguir e comentar!
Hey! I've catched up with the last posts, and I must say I really envy you the great trip you had. The photos look very pro, and the landscapes are just breathtaking! It was great to see you all, too. I wish I had been there.
Warmest regards to my Erasmus friends! :)
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Liberdade, Democracia, Justiça, Imprensa, Direitos Humanitários. Sim.
Ditaduras, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortura, Fome, Corrupção. Não Obrigado.
Peço Asilo Político, Dinheiro, Doente e Invalido com Fome em Tribunal com Dívidas.
Enviar dinheiro para a Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
Se não pode impôr a paz, pode convencer pelo exemplo. -----
Peço Asilo Político. -----
Donativos para a Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Conta de Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº conta 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de cliente 233-691451 --- Iban CH21 0023 3233 691451M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH
4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou ---
Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---Telefone: 0041 765 450 994. Comuniquem na Imprensa Mundial. Eu falo Português, E também Francês. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Liberté, Démocratie, Justice, Presse, Droits Humanitaires. Oui.
Dictatures, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Faim, Corruption. Non Merci.
Je demande Asile Politique, l'argent, le malade et l'invalide avec la faim devant le tribunal avec des dettes.
Envoyer argent pour l'Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
Si ne peut pas imposer la paix, peut convaincre par l'exemple. -----
Je demande Asile Politique. -----
Donations pour la Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº de compte 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de client 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou ---
Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Téléphone: 0041 765 450 994. Communiquent dans la Presse Mondiale. Je parle Portugais, Et aussi Français. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Freiheit, Demokratie, Justiz, die Presse, Humanitäre Rechte. Ja.
Diktaturen, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortur, Hunger, Bestechung. Nein Danke.
Ich verlange politisches Asyl, das Geld, Kranke und Invalide mit dem Hunger vor dem Gericht mit Schulden. Senden Geld für Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. -----
Wenn nicht aufdrängen kann der Frieden, kann durch das Beispiel überzeugen. -----
Ich verlange politisches Asyl. -----
Schenkungen für den Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- N° des Kontos 233-691451.M1F --- Nº des Kunden 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Oder ---
Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. ---Telefon: 0041 765 450 994. Teilen in der weltweiten Presse mit. Ich spreche Portugiesisch, Und auch Französisch. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Freedom, Democracy, Justice, The Press, Humane Rights. Yes.
Dictatorships, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Hunger, Corruption. Not Thank You.
I ask for Political asylum, Money, Sick and Invalid with Hunger in Court with Debts.
To send money for the Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
If it can not impose peace, can convince by example. -----
I ask for Political asylum -----
Donations for the Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Account of Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº of account 233-691451.M1F --- Nº of customer 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. --- Or ---
Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Telephone: 0041 765 450 994. Communicate in the World Press. speak Portuguese, And also French. -----
SOS Portugal SOS.--- Eu Peço Ajuda.--- Para Publicar Por Favor nos Jornais.--- Se Você For Agradavel. -------:---:---:------- Basel 25-3-2004--- Eu sou Refugiado no Distrito, E cidade Basel em Suiça. Eu estou ameaçado, De Morte em Portugal, Da D.G.S.E. de Espanha. Eu sou Inválido, Com muitos problemas de Saúde, E Doente, Também sem Comer, E outras Necessidades.--- Comunicado: A Espanha com a D.G.S.E., Ocupa Portugal Governa, E Mata Portugueses. Mais de 96 Militares da Resistência Portuguesa, Já Desapareceram na Europa. Mais de 30 militares da Resistência Portuguesa, Já Desapareceram nos E.U.A.. Militares da Resistência Portuguesa, E Simpatizantes Desaparecem em Portugal, E no Estrangeiro. Lutando contra a D.G.S.E. de Espanha, Os Capitães de Abril Militares, Já fizeram Revolução, Guerra Civil dia 25 de Abril 1974. A Resistência Militar e Simpatizantes, Continuam a Luta, Contra os Terroristas da Espanha, E da D.G.S.E. de Espanha, Fazem Guerra em Portugal, E em outros Países, Iraque e Afganistão, Estão atingidos fortemente, Outros Sofrem Imenso, E Matam sem saber, Para ter Independência. Não ao Terrorismo de Espanha, Ajude a Resistência Portuguesa, Em Suiça cidade Basel, Ajudai os seus Refugiados, Para não ter a Pide “P.I.D.E./D.G.S.E.”. Para ter Governo em Portugal, Há sua Existência, A ter Liberdade, República Portuguesa, Sim Há Paz, Governo Novo, Há Liberdade. A Espanha quer Ocupar, Os Estados Unidos da America, Reclama 70% do seu Território. Resistência Portuguesa Pede, Asilo Político. Resistência Portuguesa Pede, Dinastia Nova em Portugal. Resistência Portuguesa Pede, Tribunal Internacional, Radio Televisivo Direto. Tribunal de Silêncio Mata, Militares e Civis da Resistência, E mantem os Conflitos no Iraque e Afganistão. Tenho Fome, E muitas Necessidades Economicas, Peço o Auxilio, De todo o Mundo. Donativos para a Resistência Portuguesa. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Conta de Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº conta 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de cliente 233-691451 --- Iban CH21 0023 3233 691451M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou --- Enviar dinheiro para a Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Telefone: 0041 765 450 994. Comuniquem na Imprensa Mundial em especial: Portugal, U.S.A., Turquia, Iraque, Afganistão, Inglaterra, Alemanha, França, Polônia, Rússia, Roménia. Ao não Publicar este Comunicado Mata, Militares e Inocentes, Há quantos meses são Responsáveis. Mais informação da Resistência Portuguesa. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Telefone: 0041 765 450 994 Eu falo Português, E também Francês. -----
Liberdade, Democracia, Justiça, Imprensa, Direitos Humanitários. Sim. -----
Ditaduras, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortura, Fome, Corrupção. Não Obrigado. -----
Peço Asilo, Dinheiro, Doente e Invalido com Fome em Tribunal com Dívidas. -----
Enviar dinheiro para a Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Sr. Godinho Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -------
-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/----- /-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----
SOS Portugal SOS. - - - Je Demande Aide. - - - Pour publier S'il vous plaît dans les Journaux. - - - Si Tu Est Agréable. -------:---:---:------- Basel 25-3-2004 --- Je suis Réfugié dans le District, Et ville Basel dans la Suisse. Je suis menacé, De Mort dans le Portugal, De la D.G.S.E. d'Espagne. Je suis Invalide, Avec beaucoup de Problèmes de Santé, Et Malade, Aussi sans Manger, Et d'autres Nécessités. - - - Communiqué: L'Espagne avec la D.G.S.E., Occupe le Portugal Gouverne, Et Tue des Portugais. Plus de 96 Militaires de la Résistance Portugaise, Déjà ont Disparu en Europe. Plus de 30 militaires de la Résistance Portugaise, Déjà ont Disparu dans l'E.U.A.. Militaires de la Résistance Portugaise, Et des Sympathisants Disparaissent dans le Portugal, Et à l'en Étranger. En Combattant contre la D.G.S.E. d'Espagne, Les Capitaines d'avril Militaires, Ils déjà ont fait Révolution, Guerre Civile jour 25 de Avril 1974. La Résistance Militaire et Sympathisants, Ils Continuent la Lutte, Contre les Terroristes de l'Espagne, Et de la D.G.S.E. d'Espagne, Ils Font Guerre dans le Portugal, Et dans autres Pays, En Irak et Afghanistan, Ils sont atteints fortement, D'autres Souffrent Immense, Ils et Tuent sans savoir, Pour avoir de l'Indépendance. Non au Terrorisme d'Espagne, Aide à Résistance Portugaise, Dans la Suisse la ville Basel, Aident leurs Réfugiés, Pour que n'aient pas à Pide "P.I.D.E./D.G.S.E.". Pour avoir le Gouvernement dans le Portugal, Y a son Existence, À avoir de la Liberté, La République Portugaise, Oui Y a Paix, Gouvernement Nouveau, Y a la Liberté. L'Espagne veut Occuper, Les États-Unis de l'Amérique, Se plaint 70% de son Territoire. Résistance Portugaise Demande, Asile Politique. Résistance Portugaise Demande, Dynastie Nouvelle dans le Portugal. Résistance Portugaise Demande, Tribunal International, Radio Télévisé Direct. Tribunal de Silence Tue, Des Militaires et Civils de la Résistance, Et maintient les Conflits au Irak et en Afghanistan. J'ai Faim, Et beaucoup de Nécessités Économiques, Je Demande l'Aide, Á tout le Monde. Donations pour la Résistance Portugaise. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº de compte 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de client 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou --- Envoyer argent pour l'Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Téléphone: 0041 765 450 994. Communiquent dans la Presse Mondiale en particulier: Portugal, U.S.A., Turquie, Irak, Afghanistan, Angleterre, Allemagne, France, Pologne, Russie, Roumanie. À ne pas Publier à ce Communiqué Tue, Des Militaires et Innocents, Y a combien de mois sont Responsables. Plus informations de la Résistance Portugaise. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Téléphone: 0041 765 450 994 Je parle Portugais, Et aussi Français. –
Liberté, Démocratie, Justice, Presse, Droits Humanitaires. Oui. -----
Dictatures, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Faim, Corruption. Non Merci. -----
Je demande l'asile, l'argent, le malade et l'invalide avec la faim devant le tribunal avec des dettes. -----
Envoyer argent pour l'Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/----- /-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----
SOS Portugal SOS. - - - Ich Verlange Hilfe. - - - Um bitte in den Zeitungen zu Veröffentlichen. - - - Wenn du Angenehm bist. -------:---:---:------- Basel 25-3-2004 --- Ich bin Flüchtling im Distrikt, Und Basel-Stadt in der Schweiz. Ich werde Bedroht, Von Tod in Portugal, Vom D.G.S.E. von Spanien. Ich bin Invalid, Mit vielen Gesundheitsproblemen, Und Krankem, Auch, Ohne zu Essen, Und von anderen Bedürfnissen. - - - Mitteilung: Spanien mit dem D.G.S.E., Besetzen Sie Portugal Leitet, Und Tötet Portugiesen. Mehr als 96 Militärische des Portugiesischen Widerstandes, Schon in Europa Verschwunden sind. Mehr als 30 Militärische des Portugiesischen Widerstandes, Schon im E.U.A. Verschwunden sind. Militärische des Portugiesischen Widerstandes, Und von Gleichgesinnte Verschwinden in Portugal, Und an in Fremden. Indem man Gegen das D.G.S.E. von Spanien bekämpft, Die Militärkapitäne vom April, Schon machten Revolution, Bürgerkrieg tag 25 April 1974. Der Militärwiderstand und Gleichgesinnte, Sie setzen den Kampf fort, Gegen die Spanischen Terrorist, Und vom D.G.S.E. von Spanien, Sie machen Krieg in Portugal, Und in anderen Ländern, In Irak und Afghanistan, Sie werden stark erreicht, Andere leiden Unermesslich, Und Töten, Ohne zu Wissen, Um Unabhängigkeit zu haben. Nein zum Terrorismus von Spanien, Portugiesische Hilfe für Widerstand, In der Schweiz der Basel-Stadt, Helfen Ihre Flüchtlinge, Damit nicht an Pide haben. "P.I.D.E./D.G.S.E.". Um die Regierung in Portugal zu haben, Dort hat seine Existenz, Von der Freiheit zu haben, Die Portugiesische Republik, Ja Neue Regierung, Hat Dort Frieden, Dort hat die Freiheit. Spanien will besetzen, Die Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas, Beklagt sich 70% von seinem Territorium. Portugiesischer Widerstand Verlangt, Politisches Asyl. Portugiesischer Widerstand Verlangt, Neue Dynastie in Portugal. Portugiesischer Widerstand Verlangt, Internationales Gericht, Radio im Fernsehen übertragen Direkt. Stillengericht tötet, Militärische und Zivilisten des Widerstandes, Und erhält Konflikte in Irak und in Afghanistan aufrecht. Ich habe Hunger, Und viele Wirtschaftliche Bedürfnisse, Ich Verlange die Hilfe, An Jedem. Schenkungen für den Portugiesischen Widerstand. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- N° des Kontos 233-691451.M1F --- Nº des Kunden 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Oder --- Senden Geld für Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Telefon: 0041 765 450 994. Teilen in der weltweiten Presse insbesondere mit: Portugal, U.S.A., Türkei, Irak, Afghanistan, England, Deutschland, Frankreich, Polen, Russland, Rumänien. Nicht in dieser Mitteilung zu Veröffentlichen Tötet, Unschuldige Militärische und, Hat dort, wie viel Monate Verantwortlich sind. Mehr Informationen des Portugiesischen Widerstandes. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Telefon: 0041 765 450 994 Ich spreche Portugiesisch, Und auch Französisch. ------
Freiheit, Demokratie, Justiz, die Presse, Humanitäre Rechte. Ja. -----
Diktaturen, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortur, Hunger, Bestechung. Nein Danke. -----
Ich Antrag das Asyl, das Geld, Kranke und Invalide mit dem Hunger vor dem Gericht mit Schulden. -----
Senden Geld für Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. -----
-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/----- /-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----/-----
SOS Portugal SOS.--- I Ask For Help.--- Please To Publish Into The Newspapers.--- If You were Pleasant.-------:---:---:------- Basel 25-3-2004 --- I am Refugee in the District, And Basel city in Switzerland. I am Threatened, Of Death in Portugal, Of the D.G.S.E. of Spain. I am Invalid, With many problems of Health, And Sick, Also Without Eating, And other Necessities.--- Official notice: Spain with the D.G.S.E., Occupies Portugal Governs, And kills Portuguese. More than 96 Military of Portuguese Resistance, Already Disappeared in the Europe. More than 30 Military of Portuguese Resistance, Already Disappeared in the U.S.A.. Military of the Portuguese Resistance, And the Sympathizers Disappear in Portugal, And in Foreigner. Fighting, Against the D.G.S.E. of Spain, The Military Captains of April, They already made Revolution, Civil War day 25 of April 1974. Military Resistance and Sympathizers, They Continues the Fight, Against the Terrorists of Spain, And of the D.G.S.E. of Spain, They make War in Portugal, And in other Countries, Iraq and Afghanistan, They are reached Strong, Others Suffer Immense, And kill without knowing, To have Independence. Not to the Terrorism of Spain, It helps to the Portuguese Resistance, In Switzerland of the Basel city, You help its Refugee, Not to have Pide "P.I.D.E./D.G.S.E.". To have Government in Portugal, It has its Existence, To have Freedom, Portuguese Republic, Yes It has Peace, New Government, It has Freedom. Spain wants to Occupy, The United States of America, It complains 70% of its territory. Portuguese Resistance Requires, Political asylum. Portuguese Resistance Requires, New Dynasty in Portugal. Portuguese Resistance Requires, International Court, Televising Radio Direct. Court of Silence kills, Military and Civilians of the Resistance, And maintains the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have Hunger, And many Economic Necessities, I ask for the Assistance, Of the whole world. Donations for the Portuguese Resistance. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Account of Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº of account 233-691451.M1F --- Nº of customer 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. --- Or --- To send money for the Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. --- Telephone: 0041 765 450 994. Communicate in the World Press in special: Portugal, U.S.A., Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, England, Germany, France, Poland, Russia, Romania. To not Publishing this Official Notice it kills, Military and Innocents, It has how many months are Responsible. More information of the Portuguese Resistance. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Telephone: 0041 765 450 994 I speak Portuguese, And also French. -----
Freedom, Democracy, Justice, The Press, Humane Rights. Yes. -----
Dictatorships, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Hunger, Corruption. Not Thank You. –
I ask for Asylum, Money, Sick and Invalid with Hunger in Court with Debts.-----
To send money for the Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. -----
Mr. Hilário, go spamming to other blogs
O teu amigo Hilário volveuse tolo, o pobre.
Encántame a túa viaxe a Coimbra. Eu pensaba que eras español, pero resulta que escribes en inglés. Poderíasme dicir por que razón. Non é que sexa saxonófobo, pero me intriga, a verdade.
La razón es simple:
cuando empecé este blog, lo hice para que mis amigos de España no se perdieran mis aventuras por el extranjero. De hecho si buceas un poco por posts antiguos, puedes ver que escribía en gallego.
Desde que dejé Estonia, un monton de amigos de muchos paises supieron de mi blog, y me preguntaron porqué no escribia algo que ellos entendieran, porque solo se enteraban de las fotos.
Desde que volví a España, cambié al inglés, aunque de vez en cuando cambio al gallego para algunas cosas :)
Saludos y gracias por lo del post de coimbra, es una zona que cualquiera que le guste la época medieval debería visitar :)
Oooups! e porqué escribin en castellano?? hahah vaia ida de olla XDD
Foi muito bom estes dias por cá;)
Obrigado pela vossa visita, esperamos em breve ir ai visitar-te e conhecer melhor a "nossa" região de espanha.
Até breve
João e Mara
espero que lo que esté colgado sea un muñeco! XD por su propio bien :P Nahh unas fotos muy chulas, y estas molt bonico com sempre en totets les fotos que he vist ;) aver si m'entends JAja! saludos
jejej si entiendo :P aww gracias Vanessa :) y sí!! un muñeco!! :D bueno, haber había por toda la ciudad más.. pero este fué el primero que ví, así que no me resistí a sacarle una foto :P
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