sábado, febrero 14, 2009

Surprises 2008: Synesthesia - From Amnesia To Apocalypse

Synesthesia is a greek band (appearing lots of good bands from that country!) that makes a kind of progressive very melodic death metal. But, the style is wider than that, they play with many influences, growls and a personal clean voice that sometimes could recall a mix of some gothic male singer and Ville ex-Sentenced, some electronic keyboards, clean guitars, atmospheric moments, and in general very varied songs that makes us to enjoy and listen quite easily their debut album.
Many influences and delicate taste in melodies and composing make this From Amnesia To Apocalypse one of the worthest albums of 2008.
Just like anecdote, some of their members are also part of other interesting projects that came lastly from Greece like Transcending Bizarre?, Dol Theeta or Dol Ammad.

2.In Silence Digress06:56
3.Field Of Sorrow05:06
5.The Distance Within05:38
6.Frozen Rose06:19
7.Through The Eyes Of Ambivalence08:00
9.Frozen Rose (radio edit)05:04

Synesthesia - Threshold

Synesthesia - From Amnesia To Apocalypse Part I
Synesthesia - From Amnesia To Apocalypse Part II

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

alalala .... que pedazo de disco !!!!
Desacargueino en plan voulle facer caso o gañán este. Pero teño que dicir que me impresionou moitisimo, ten partes de todos estilos coñecibles... non sei explicalo mellor... soamente dicir que esta moi ben...moi orixinal..pegadizo ..orixinal...e xa esta. Moi ben enlil segue asi carallo. Por certo eeeehhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

enlil dijo...

Mola moito!! pa que logo digan que no 2008 non se oe nada decente.. o que non oe é porque non busca nin lle interesa!

Anónimo dijo...

"...pa que logo digan que no 2208 non se oe nada decente..."
Si, si, hai moito grumete que se as dá de capitán ;D

Anónimo dijo...

referíame ó 2008, anque no 2208 hache seguir sendo o mesmo...anque pra aquela como Metallica, AC-DC e os Judas xa estarán facendo abono pois vai ti a saber (anque igual conservan as súas cabezas en tarros en plan futurama... todo sexa polo negocio ;D )