martes, diciembre 29, 2009

Surprises 2009: Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome

Band: Leprous
Album: Tall Poppy Syndrome (first album)
Genre: Progressive Metal
Country: Norway

Leprous is a young, five piece band from Notodden, Norway, playing experimental progressive metal. The band was founded in 2001 though has gone trough a few changes in the line-up.
The bands latest album Tall Poppy Syndrome (2009) has received outstanding reviews worldwide, and the material for the sequel is currently under developement. Meanwhile, Leprous will hit the road, and show the world that their songs sound even better on stage. Their impressive live shows cought the eye of Ihsahn (Emperor), who found it best to hire the entire band in his ensemble. In addition to this, Einar Solberg was hired as synthist and co-vocalist in Emperor, for their reunion shows in 2006-07.
Leprous' latest effort Tall Poppy Syndrome was recorded, mixed and mastered by Jonas Kjellgren in Black Lounge Studio / The Abyss in Pärlby, Sweden, during august 2008. This recording granted Leprous a record deal with the american Sensory Records, as well as the cooperation with Intromental Management. Prior to Tall Poppy Syndrome the band has recorded two demos, Silent Waters (2004) and Aeolia (2006).
Since the first time I've listened this album I got somehow captivated by the melodic-atmospheric way of making proggressive metal of Leprous. Structures are sometimes strange and influences of Opeth or Pain of Salvation are quite noticeable as well as Prog Rock. Clean vocals are the main ones but we can find some harsh moments, sometimes joining jazz interludes, dreamtheatherian moments or darker passages, all quite well mixed, which gives this album a great variety. If you like proggresive metal with several influences you should give a try to Leprous.

1. Passing / 08:31
2. Phantom Pain / 06:50
3. Dare You / 06:45
4. Fate / 04:38
5. He Will Kill Again / 07:31
6. Not Even A Name / 08:46
7. Tall Poppy Syndrome / 08:28
8. White / 11:31

Total playing time 01:03:00


The link provided serves just as promotional source. The aim is letting know rookie, new or unknown bands with few resources that try to expand their music. Buy the originals if you like them! Help good bands to grow!

domingo, diciembre 27, 2009

Hard Rock Hell Road Trip Ibiza - Novas adhesións

Para McMetal, que recriminara o pouco que tiña que ver o nome do festival HRHRT Ibiza co contenido, aquí van as novas bandas confirmadas ;)
As de antes:
Grand Magus

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter


Attica Rage

+ novas confirmacións:

The Quireboys
Spit Like This

O precio sigue sendo o mismo irrisoreo que incluye 7 noites de hotel e estas actividades por 200 € anticipada e 210 € en taquilla:

5 big nights out ( HRH favourites all the way) plus some locals
Few Unplugged sessions on the beach at Sunset
Few HRH Hotels
Open air Rally
Some Rockeoke
A Full on Rock Boat
Ice breaker and pre parties every night
Rock Quiz’s
A Full HRH concierge service

Plus ( All optional, don’t want to force you into anything)

Water sports
Day time activities
Beach Days
Shopping Trips for the Ladies
Go Karting
Scuba Diving
5 a Side

Hard Rock Hell Road Trip To Ibiza runs from June 2nd to June 9th 2010.

Halaaaaaa alegríaa!!!

jueves, diciembre 24, 2009

Bo Nadal

<a href="">agence communication Paris Lyon Graphéine</a>

miércoles, diciembre 23, 2009

Ata no Mediaportal, eso sí que é un avance!

Dicen que ata que non apareza un disco no Mediaportal, un non é grupo nin é nada.. pois xa sucedeu! 4 anos tarde, pero conseguirono, non me preguntedes moi ben cómo, porque é a versión con "Lúa de Decembro", que rematara xusto a semana antes de irme para Estonia, así que non tiña ningún CD con esa canción añadida -como ultraextrabonus- ata aquela. Entón regalei un par deles a algún amigo e pode que fose eso. Pero bueno, vaia cousas que pasan XD
Por certo... proggressive gothic... váleme... pero power metal... non o acabo de ver...
Hala! ahí queda! XD de momento ninguén me puxo a parir polo sonido a pc... será que nin sequera lles apetece descargalo XD

martes, diciembre 22, 2009

Opeth e Dream Theater participan na Banda Sonora do videoxogo God Of War III

A través de Roadrunner Records sacarase un EP chamado God of War: Blood & Metal que estará composto por cancións feitas especialmente para o xogo para PlayStation 3 God of War III Ultimate Edition que sairá en Marzo do 2010. As bandas que participan serán Opeth, Dream Theater, Killswitch Engage, Trivium e Taking Down, e como dixen, compoñeran música exclusiva nunca antes sacada ó mercado!

Os que compren o xogo conseguirán un código exclusivo para baixar o EP así como incluso un documental sobre a historia de God Of War e máis extras.

Parece que estamos nos comenzos de novas formas de fusionar mercados de diferentes tipos de artes. E por outra parte, empézase a demostrar o incrible poder que ten a industria do videoxogo, que é capaz incluso de sobresalir por encima da cinematográfica en canto a resultados económicos nos últimos anos.

“I have played the previous God of War releases,” said Killswitch Engage vocalist Howard Jones. “To be a part of this game in any fashion is amazing! Let the rivers flow red with blood; there is vengeance to bestow! Bring me more new finishing blows to my enemies!"

“Music has always been an important part of videogames and can help bring titles to life,” said Stig Asmussen, God of War III Game Director. “Our goal is to make God of War III a special release in all areas and this just another way to offer fans and newcomers a worthwhile experience.”

“This is the first time in 24 years that we've written and recorded a song for anything other than one of our own albums, so we're up for the challenge and excited to have been asked,” said Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy about recording an exclusive instrumental track for the soundtrack.

“When we were initially asked to write an original song for the game, we were slightly perplexed since we’ve never actually written a track for something other than a Trivium record,” said Trivium, vocalist Matt Heafy. “But we answered the call as we are fans of the game. Writing the song was a fun experience. We started piecing riffs together on tour and then we really put time into the song when we got home and had the chance to go into the practice space to work on our ideas as a group. This new song captures a certain energy we've been trying to harness on record as well, as it will show all our fans worldwide where Trivium is heading musically in the future.”


lunes, diciembre 21, 2009

Surprises 2009: Damned Spirit's Dance

: Damned Spirit's Dance
Album: Weird Constellations (first album)
Genre: Experimental Progressive Metal
Country: Hungary

Damned Spirits’ Dance came to life at the beginning of 2002, but it was not until 2004 when they recorded their first material: ’Hide from Daylight DEMO’. The first full-length album "Weird Constellations" was finally recorded in the end of 2007, mixed in 2008 and finally released in 2009.
Listening to Damned Spirit's Dance is a total experience. You won't be able to define which style or what reminiscences you are listening to. Their music is rich, experimental, and takes influences from many genres. The result is a varied album of a kind of proggresive black metal, cosmic atmospheres, epic moments, electronica, catchy rythms, alternative metal, females voices (on "the Angel and the Dark River")... and they even dare with dance music combined with the strenght and speed of black metal in "Fake"!!! Could be a mess if the proper minds weren't behind all that, but the team of DSD get total success from mixin all these elements.
My favourite surprise of 2009, and a band to follow. If you like experimental metal in a darker way, get this album! I already did it!

1. Visioner / 04:04
2. Cold Winds - A Dream Vision / 06:46
3. Devil's on His Way / 05:33
4. TSS / 06:35
5. Black Savage / 05:56
6. Weird Constellations / 01:46
7. The Angel and the Dark River / 05:42
8. Raven / 03:55
9. ...So Much to Say... So I Rather Tell None / 03:56
10. Fake / 07:24
11. Guess, I'm Dying / 03:47

Total playing time 55:24

Here 1
Here 2

The link provided serves just as promotional source. The aim is letting know rookie, new or unknown bands with few resources that try to expand their music. Buy the originals if you like them! Help good bands to grow!

viernes, diciembre 18, 2009

Nova canción de Dark Tranquillity

Nova canción do próximo disco de Dark Tranquillity, e a primeira sensación non é a mellor. Curiosa tamén a portada, que parece casi máis a dunha peli de zombies de serie B que unha das típicas do Grupo.
En streaming no seu myspace
Ou descargable aquí: Dream Oblivion

jueves, diciembre 17, 2009

Primeira canción en streaming do novo de Orphaned Land

Xa saleu á luz a primeira canción do novo disco de Orphaned Land, "The Never Ending Way Of OrWarriOR".
A nova canción, chamada "Sapari", é unha versión dunha melodía tradicional e podedes oíla aquí.
Boas vibracións.

miércoles, diciembre 16, 2009

Keep of Kalessin a Eurovisión?

..Norwegian black metal band KEEP OF KALESSIN is one of the artists who are competing to represent Norway in next year's Eurovision Song Contest.

On Tuesday (December 1), KEEP OF KALESSIN guitarist and songwriter Obsidian C (real name: Arnt Grønbech) told the Norwegian TV show "Lydverket" that he's looking forward to performing the song "The Dragon Tower" alongside Norwegian pop artists and mainstream songwriters.

"I read an interview with Per Sundnes (host of the Norwegian Eurovision finals) where he said they wanted darker and harder songs for the Norwegian Eurovision finals," he said. "At the same time, we had made a song with a catchy chorus, so I just sent it to them."

On being called sellout:

Obsidian: "I think we are gonna get some reactions from the black metal scene, and lose some credibility. Some people, at least, will call us sellouts, but people saying those things are usually people who have an underground band themselves but make a living from selling hot dogs at a gas station. I think it's less of a sellout to play in the Eurovision than to sell hot dogs."

Finnish rock band LORDI won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006 with the song "Hard Rock Hallelujah". Obsidian C doesn't believe KEEP OF KALESSIN will achieve the same type of sucess in the competition, but he's looking forward to getting more mainstream attention for the band.

"The song might be a little too extreme for us to win, but hard rock has performed well in the Eurovision earlier, so we'll just have to wait and see," he said. "The song will at least give us a little more attention with a broad audience back here in Norway."

Leif Åge Reme, executive producer of the Norwegian Eurovision Song Contest finals, says that the TV show did not ask KEEP OF KALESSIN to take part in the competiton for publicity. "Eurovision is a songwriting contest that reflects the type of songs that are being written around the country, even if that means it is not pop. We are seeking a broad selection of songwriters, and not the publicity."


E como non, xa houbo reaccións do tipo "vendidos", etc. por parte da comunidad "black metal". Seica o dos "hot dogs" non sentou moi ben XDD
Bueno, a mín nin me vai nin me vén porque ese concurso é unha completa chorrada, pero sin duda o día despois de que celebre, buscarei por Youtube a actuación dos KoK si finalmente salen elexidos por Noruega.

miércoles, diciembre 02, 2009

España, hermano pobre

Los problemas económicos de España, como el paro y el déficit, son "insostenibles" y el país se ha convertido en el "nuevo hermano pobre de Europa", según pone de manifiesto la publicación inglesa 'The Economist' en un artículo publicado esta misma semana.

'The Economist' explica que, mientras que muchos otros países de la Unión Europea han comenzado a reflotar de la recesión en el tercer trimestre, España siguió en descenso por sexto trimestre consecutivo, aunque la caída haya sido menor que la media de la UE.

Subraya que España ha sido el país que más ha sufrido la crisis, ya que la tasa de desempleo ha alcanzado el 19%, la segunda más alta de la UE después de Letonia, lo que refleja, a su parecer, una "resaca estructural" de un país "que se emborrachó" a base de ladrillos y cemento.

Esto é o que "The Economist" saca logo das asombrosas medidas que o gobierno quixo implantar fai uns días como "proyecto de reactivación de economía" entre as cales está controlar a temperatura dos locales para evitar unha pérdida (enoooorme!) de energía entre outras cousas, que dan vergüenza a calquera economista como posibles axudas para salir da crisis da que estamos inmersos, e recordemos que moitos países de Europa xa pasaron, incluso fai moito tempo xa. Ainda que claro, estou de acordo que non todos partimos desde a misma situación de partida, pero de todos modos, a crisis xa se viña forxando desde facía tempo, incluso desde principios de 2007 xa se temía e que as consecuencias nun país non moi preparado coma España poderían ser "aterradoras":

Incluso recordo que aquel ano xa se nos decía a nós na universidade que a cousa estaba demasiado inflada e se houbera algún revés, España estaría bastante mal para afrontar malos tempos por fallos económicos estructurales. Pero coma sempre, aquí estamos ou nun bando ou noutro, ninguén quere torcer a cabeza un pouco, por eso me dá vergüenza ter a clase política que temos. E non falo de ningún grupo en particular (ainda que indudablemente os que están agora no mando son os que levan máis parte de responsabilidade). Sólamente pactos entre os grandes partícipes na economía, patronal, sindicatos e partidos políticos a nivel macroeconómico serían os que nos axudarían a estar entre os que pasaron a mala época dunha forma rápida e case superficial. Neso envidio ós países do Norte. Mentres non haxa esto, nunca vamos a saír do noso estancamento, posto que os poucos avances positivos nestes últimos meses xustamente foron efectos de arrastre das economías exteriores que melloraron.

Se ademáis unimos a esa falta de acordos polo ben do país, unhas medidas cobardes nese plan de reactivación e economía sostenible que oímos fai uns días, intuímos (ou intúo, este texto é un punto de vista personal apoiado por prensa e datos estadísticos) poucos cambios e pouco avance nos vindeiros meses, e incluso anos (ainda que sempre hai esperanza de que non chegue a tanto e alguén se poña as pilas dunha vez para ter ideas decentes e pactos importantes polo noso bienestar). Pero desde logo se se quere impulsar un cambio, é a hora de intentar medidas máis arriesgadas e atrevidas e deixarse de pamplinas.

"'The Economist' arremete una vez más contra el presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, por seguir mostrando "aversión al pesimismo", tal y como demuestran sus declaraciones en el Foro organizado por la propia publicación el pasado lunes en Madrid, donde dijo que la recuperación ya ha comenzado. También hace referencia a la nueva Ley de Economía Sostenible y asegura que se basará, en gran medida, en "buenas intenciones a falta de medidas duras". En este sentido, señala que las energías renovables, liberalización modesta y otros temas estarán presentes en la ley, mientras que las reformas del mercado laboral quedarán fuera "para agradar a los amigos sindicalistas".

...e por se fora pouco..

En canto ó mercado laboral, The Economist tamén mete o dedo na llaga, apuntando que o mercado laboral de España non é o mellor (no cal, sempre pensei que por exemplo os funcionarios e a imposibilidade do seu despido cando son ineficientes, é unha lacra para o avance de España):

En este sentido, recuerda que la dualidad laboral convierte al mercado español en "ineficaz e injusto", ya que la mitad de los trabajadores tienen contratos indefinidos y resultan caros a la hora de despedir, mientras que el resto de la fuerza laboral pasa entre contratos por obra y servicio, subsidios por desempleo y el mercado negro. "Los trabajadores ineficientes con contrato indefinido están protegidos", señala la revista, que considera "posible" que se produzca un nuevo aumento del desempleo por parte de empresas más pequeñas por las leyes laborales y falta de crédito, que hacen que las compañías sufran el riesgo de quiebra debido al proteccionismo de empleados indefinidos y la flexibilidad limitada para nominas.

Mentres tanto, a afundirse toca, con 3 millóns de desempleados, e subindo, dunha forma bastante equitativa por toda España, e cuns sindicatos máis calados ca nunca.

martes, diciembre 01, 2009

Da que nos libramos...

Fai pouco máis de unha semana houbo unha noticia que me pasou inadvertida, pero que circulou por varios medios: nada menos que que os anfitrións da inauguración do Xacobeo 2010 poderían ser os circenses televisivos da telebasura máis denigrante da actualidade na TV española: O tipo gay ese dos programas de corazón de telecinco e a rubia siliconada física e mentalmente que todo o que fixo na súa vida foi ser moza dun torero. Unha parece ser que cobra grandes cantidades de diñeiro por mostrar a súa interesantiiiiiisima opinión en foros de debate de actualidade e prensa rosa, e outro paséase presentando Telebasura para mentes sedadas da España máis cotilla e imbécil argumentando de fondo uns supostos estudios universitarios que a ninguén lle importa o máis mínimo posto que o seu traballo podería ser feito por un mono puesto de barbitúricos.
Pois bien, estas dúas personas foron propostas para presentar o evento máis importante do ano que vén en Galicia, o Xacobeo (fóra de connotacións relixiosas, non deixa de ser un gran evento que atraerá a miles e miles de personas de diversa procedencia durante todo o ano e realizaranse actos culturales varios tamén interesantes por esta terra adiante).

Afortunadamente a Xunta tivo dous dedos de frente e rexeitou a oferta xusto ontes día 30 de novembro. Esperemos que se queren facer unha inauguración con algo de seriedade e xeito se elixa a personas que polo menos fixeran algo na súa puñetera vida e non a dous espantapáxaros da infame televisión española.

... e falando de esperpentos televisivos.. o que faltaba!

domingo, noviembre 29, 2009

E mira tí onde chegou!

"Атмосферный,эпический,мрачноватый оригинальный прог-инструментал,синтез многих направлений,с обилием клавиш,мелодий,временами чем то напоминающий CEA SERIN."

"Épica atmosférica, prog sombrío original-instrumental, la síntesis de muchas áreas, con una abundancia de las claves, melodías, a veces, que se asemeja a la CEA SERIN."

Pois eu estou bastante de acuerdo!
...bueno, en canto a Cea Serin... hai que salvar mooooooooito as distancias! Non conocía a este grupo, pero dinme unha volta polo seu myspace e pareceume unha pasada!!! (Normal! como se parecen a mín! jajaj)
Vaia situación un pouco extraña... un grupo que coñezo e do que me creo que vou ter que investigar máis.. gracias a unha páxina rusa que dice que facemos un estilo parecido. Curioso.
O caso é que se eu tivera máis medios e dedicara o tempo de aprender no programa a tocar definitivamente ben a guitarra.. e por supuesto tivera cartos (xa o dice o Palomo, por moi bon que sexa un grupo, se non ten cartos non chegará a nada, e ben que llo creo), pois con todo eso... o grupo propio que tería sería Cea Serin con un pouco de máis mala cara, máis doom e máis rápido ó mesmo tempo e algún growl máis, pero instrumentalmente nun 90%... tal cual!

Sólo para recordar que está dispoñible en descarga directa: Enuma Elis - (2006) Obscura Epica

viernes, noviembre 27, 2009

Surprises 2009: The Trophy - The Gift of Life

Band: The Trophy
Album: The Gift of Life (first album)
Genre: Hard Rock
Country: Germany

Mixing elements from classic rock, electronic, hard rock, alternative rock and even pop, the first album of The Trophy is a fresh sample of how to make good music with many influences taking mainly the Rock root. Though they are a new band, their components are not new in relation to music. The singer is Michael Bormann, ex Jaded Heart and great voice that gives a lot of strenght to the music of The Trophy. I think I wouldnt take it as a surprise if someone like Bormann wasnt singing here. The Human Fortress guitar and programmer Todd Wolf is the main head of the project and Marco Grasshof is the other part of The Trophy in the keyboards.
A must listen for fans of Bon Jovi, Def Leppard or Gotthard.

01 - The Gift Of Life / 4:17
02 - When Nightmares Wake Me Up / 4:31
03 - Get The Cup / 3:24
04 - Justice / 3:47
05 - Rescue Me / 4:38
06 - Can’t Get Out Of My Head / 4:09
07 - The Shades Of Grey / 4:05
08 - Gloomy Days / 3:27
09 - Liar / 4:23
10 - The Way I Am / 3:48
11 - On These Wings / 3:05

The link provided serves just as promotional source. The aim is letting know rookie, new or unknown bands with few resources that try to expand their music. Buy the originals if you like them! Help good bands to grow!

jueves, noviembre 26, 2009

Dio con cáncer de estómago

Wendy Dio, the wife and manager of legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio (DIO, HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW), has released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:

"Ronnie has been diagnosed with the early stages of stomach cancer. We are starting treatment immediately at the Mayo Clinic. After he kills this dragon, Ronnie will be back on stage, where he belongs, doing what he loves best, performing for his fans.

"Long live rock and roll, long live Ronnie James Dio.

"Thanks to all the friends and fans from all over the world that have sent well wishes. This has really helped to keep his spirit up."


miércoles, noviembre 25, 2009

En breves... leis máis duras contra internet

As leis antipiratería fanse máis estrictas en Europa , e a partir de decembro, o plazo para adaptar unha nova lexislación conforme ó convenido en Europa abrirase.
Tal vez vaia sendo hora de empezar a tomarse algo máis en serio todo esto porque o conto empezouse a facer máis serio. Non se sabe cándo e con qué matices chegará a España eso de cortar conexións, pero o que sí que empecei a ver foron algúns cortes de blog de descarga de pelis e series. De feito, ontes mesmo, un blog que ata agora tiña en favoritos, e do que descarguei valiosas pezas difíciles de encontrar coma as miniseries "Dead Set" e "La tía de Frankenstein", volou sen máis.
Cando fai algunhas horas intentei cargalo para mirar a extensa lista de descargas online de cousas frikis e difíciles de atopar, "Desmembrados" xa non existía e no seu lugar había un escrito do tipo "este blog se ha eliminado por infracciones de copyright".
Así que bueno, a ver en qué dá todo esto...

martes, noviembre 24, 2009

Mod compilation - IT Forgotten Songs

Since I started with the Impulse Tracker music program in 1999, I have learnt a lot about, not just how to make but how to listen to music, but I developed a different way of enjoying music than I had before. New elements, new details and even new instruments and new melodies that joined the main ones started to be noticeable for me, and everytime I tried to experiment and compose new stuff I learnt more about it. I also started to expand my tastes and in these last 10 years I had probably listened thousands and thousands of albums of different styles, though mostly inside Metal. Anyway, I have also had my different periods, like "new age period" or "symphonic period" or "classic rock" or "brutal death" etc. that I tried to go in depth into them. I still keep many good memories about some of those albums from each style, and it kind of influenced me as well when creating my own music.
Besides, one of the most important things I have learnt when working in Impulse Tracker was to enjoy works that didnt keep so good samples. They were made poorly in surface, but I could realize with time there was a great creative potential inside, even that they "sounded badly" at first. This is really a great thing cause going beyond the surface of music, of production, of great sound, is like reaching a higher level of understanding. I might sound cheesy XD but I comprehended that before that, my ears payed attention and listened different than I did later. Of course listening loads of music can also help to realise where you can find quality or there are just copypasted songs from others or just zero compositive talent.
I might not be a great music composer but trying to create helped me a lot in taking music into different levels and divide mentally and enjoy each one of the different instruments playing. That's why I would encourage everyone to take a musical creation program and try to invent and imagine things there (maybe the sentence "you dont know how hard is to make it till you dont try" fits well here, I think).

These last days I had a great new: after 3 years of being stucked, after realizing Impulse Tracker 2.14 wasnt running at all in Windows XP or Vista (the owner refused to go on working on that program), I downloaded a very similar program, called SchismTracker (you can find it googling) and I am re-learning and reminding how to work on it. I also took that old cd with instruments, samples and songs made with IT, and I was listening after many years some of those. I finally decided that many had the worth quality to not to be forgotten in time, and I started to make a compilation. Maybe this wont be interesting for so many people, but I would like to leave somewhere in the web (apart from those Tracked Aggression Compilations) a mark of good mod songs, some quite old, some with bad samples, different styles, different ways of composing,... but under my opinion with great creative minds behind computers.
This is my tribute to those who once made music by computer with IT:

Forgotten Songs - IT Mod Compilation I (by EE)

01 - Betrayer - Snaildeath
02 - Marcus Kalushke - Too Much
03 - C0rpse - And Tears Apart
04 - Amok - After Millennium
05 - Skarf - Cromm Cruaich
06 - Icelizard - My Grief Never Dies
07 - Amanojaku - Amano Warriors
08 - Tuomo Saloranta - The Light And Nothing
09 - Dim Tim - Eye Of The Serpent
10 - Zack Ohren - Discombobled
11 - Aegis - Angelique
12 - Xoio Carmesí - Els Segadors (original by Thunder)
13 - MAlekith - Ahead On The Way
14 - Gonzalo Blazquez - Iris Parte 3

Forgotten Songs - IT Mod Compilation II (by EE)

01 - RED - Mayhem
02 - Pain Inc - In The Shade
03 - Malekith & Cadaver - Oath Of The Brave
04 - Destiny - Warcry Of Sarcasm And Triumph
05 - Zack Ohren - Crush
06 - Einherjar - Oak (with Vocals)
07 - Blue Shade Of Moonstorm - Beyond The Stars
08 - Icelizard - Beyond Life
09 - Jimmy Grimberg - Arrival
10 - Nocturnus - Dreamscape 9
11 - C0rpse - Pray For Me Tonight
12 - Oriol Taulats - Gikka2
13 - Betrayer - The Ending Dream
14 - Rez + Eclipse - Space Warz Opus 1

martes, noviembre 17, 2009

Only in Russia II

Rico rico y con Fundamento ou como queira que se chamase.
É ben sabido polos que estivemos en Estonia que os locales e os rusos, 20% da población de Estonia, non é que se leven especialmente ben, e a miúdo os meus amigos estonianos tenden a ridiculizar ós rusos e viceversa (ou eso intentan). E é curioso o habitual que é que entre estonianos se pasen videos ou que mos pasen a mín, coma este, que eu non me poño de parte de ninguén (ainda que entendo mellor a parte dos locales), pero hei de admitir que teñen a súa gracia:

jueves, noviembre 12, 2009 Aerosmith, Tyler, abandonos e márketing

Seica últimamente non se debía de estar falando moito do próximo album que están a punto de sacar Aerosmith por parte da prensa norteamericana, sobre todo. Ésta é a miña impresión logo de ver todo o que sucedeu nestes últimos días a velocidade axitada no seno da banda. Por se vos perdestes algo:

-6 de noviembre: Perry anuncia que o vocalista de toda a vida de Aerosmith deixa a banda. Joe Perry dice que "non sabe nada máis".
Perry: “I don’t know anymore than you do about it. I got off the plane two nights ago. I saw online that Steven said that he was going to leave the band. I don’t know for how long, indefinitely or whatever. Other than that, I don’t know.

Logo tamén dice que non lle responde ás chamadas, hai algo de como dice as cousas.. que me resulta algo .. sospichoso.. (e non, non me refiero a que o diga en inglés XD)
Perry: “He’s notorious for that, that’s one thing I’ve learned to live with. I try to overlook it. I like to pick my battles. Frankly, the last few months I’ve been wanting not to rock the boat. I don’t want him canceling any more gigs. We really wanted to do these last four. We just kind of didn’t want to call him out or anything and get him anymore pissed off, for whatever reason. So we just let things lie. So we did the gigs and, like I said, I got off the plane and saw this online. That’s how I know about it.

60 y a la última

Por último, Perry dice que si hay que buscar sustituto, pois que se fai:
Perry: “Right now I’m adjusting to how we’re going to go on,” Perry says. “Aerosmith is such a powerful band, I mean it’s like a steam locomotive. You just can’t disregard 40 years of four guys who play together as well as they do. We’re just trying to – at least I am – trying to figure out what direction the band should take." “As far as replacing Steve, it’s not just about that, it’s also four guys that play extremely well together, and I’m not going to see that go to waste. I really don’t know what path it’s going to take at this point, but we’ll probably find somebody else that will sing in those spots where we need a singer and then we’ll be able to move the Aerosmith up a notch, move the vibe up a notch.

Cousa guapa

Ahora pensandoo un pouco, non vos sona un pouco precipitado todo esto? Un dice que se vai sin ningunha outra razón, os da banda dicen rápidamente que eles siguen e que lle desexan boa vida, e tamén inmediatamente dicen que buscarán a outro... sen nin sequera -querer?- saber máis do tema das razóns de deixar o grupo. Ademáis Tyler estivo días sen desmentir nada, coma desaparecido do mundo.

Esta noticia foi sen duda un shock para todo o mundo do rock, semellaba que Aerosmith e Steven Tyler eran un e que non sobrevivirían o un sen o outro ata que o grupo o deixase. A voz de Tyler, sen cuestionar gustos é bastante personal e esa personalidade era á súa vez intrínseca ó grupo. Resultaba difícil de crer esta separación... pero en fin.. se eles o dín...

El país

Ah! aquellos maravillosos 80 (non me preguntedes qué fan con metralletas e tyler vestido de chinita sexy)

-12 noviembre: Steven Tyler desminte que se vaia de Aerosmith. E ollo a onde o fai: nun concierto do grupo de Perry en solitario, The Joe Perry Project, e cantando "Walk this Way" logo.

RTVE noticias, nótese que neste link pon que Joe Perry ten 40 anos XD xa lle gustaría!
40 anos son os que leva Aerosmith, Perry pon wikipedia que ten 59

Deixoo ahí, que cada un recapacite...
... pero bueno, creo que Aerosmith sacaban novo disco, non? dicen por ahí que sí...

Hard Rock Hell Road Trip Ibiza

Mamaíña do tren...
...esto foi o primeiro que pensei ó ver este festival.. que porqué? Imos alá:

- Bandas, de momento, porque se dice que se van anunciar máis en breve:
Grand Magus

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter


Attica Rage

- Lugar de emplazamiento: Ibiza (España, obviamente)

- Días: do 2 ó 9 de junio de 2010

- Precio:
*New recruits: 190 libras (210 €)
*Vets/DC: 180 libras (199 €)
Nin idea qué significa "vets", no diccionario ponme "veterinarios" XD Seica debe haber moito animal por aló ou non sei XD

O precio incluye:
*Entrada para os 7 días de festival (por suposto :))
*Hotel para 7 días (mirar abaixo qué hoteles juas!)
*Entrada para todos os eventos que se celebren, incluido un boat trip (?), concertos acústicos na praia na posta do sol, open air rally, Rock Boat (?), actividades de Battle Metal (quen o diría en Ibiza!), actuacións de grupos locales, tarde dedicada ó Progressive (esperemos que non sexa o do punchipun), a NWOBHM, e etc de cousas que non entendo moi ben XD, podedes chequear na web, pero parece que serán bastantes actividades durante o día...

Palabras do organizador Jonni Davis:
"Hemos estado trabajando sobre esto durante un año, tendremos nuestros propios hoteles, nuestras propias barras, nuestros propios lugares, todo tan exclusivos para el fedtival todo ellos para que esto se convierta en algo que la gente recordará como una experiencia de verdadero rock para el resto de sus vidas. Estamos abrumados con el apoyo del comercial para patrocinios y se estan concretando actividades para toda la familia, niños heavys incluidos."

Hospedaje: Hotel Tropical, Del Mar ou Marco Polo II
Ollo para os sitios (clikear encima para unha mellor visual):

Evento patrocinado por Metal Hammer (Inglesa), Classi Rock, Classig Prog, Rock Radio and Scuzz TV , que terán os seus stand no festival.


Páxina web do festival:

Qué!, preparamos a mochilaaaaaaaah??
Aih se non houbera examenes... ainda hei mirar a ver si me coinciden ben XD

martes, noviembre 03, 2009

A typical galician wedding

I have been recently in a wedding in Sevilla and I realised that this celebration is not so similar in all spanish areas. This last Halloween weekend I had another wedding of my cousin, and I decided to explain a bit how is the tradition of a wedding made in Galicia posting at the same time pics taken on that day.
Well, first, saying that even we are a lay country, not related with any religion, most of spanish population are still catholic. There are an increasing number of non-practicant catholic in the last years and even not catholic at all but they follow the traditions of catholic religion. Weddings are a good example. I can bet most of the current weddings in Spain are being celebrated without the faith of the cristian religion, but they are still keeping due "tradition", the pushing of parents, or the "more beautiful". So, for example, I guess my cousin and his wife are not attending regularly to church or having too strongly the catholic faith, but they have chosen this way of celebrating their union.

So, we, as part of the future husband, are firstly invited to his home in the afternoon (this was an evening wedding, not very common in winter times). There we talk with him, rest of the family and eat some appetizers.
When time is approaching, all of us with his car at the head of the line, are following him to the church, situated in the town of the wife. This time, the little town was very in the middle of the forest! we went through difficult and solitary roads up there, and attended to the celebration inside the small church. It was so small that almost everyone waited outside till they finished.

After 40 min. (it depends on the priest) they are officially married (I will not talk about the celebration itself this time), and people start taking "official pics" with them inside the church (I think he will send us when they are in his hands).

When finished the photo session, they go out from the church and many people are waiting for them to throw rice (not cooked rice :D). It seems to be a tradition that came from Asia, where rice is a symbol of fertility. Guests throw rice to the couple wishing they have lots of children.

Not necessarily the couple must take an old car with them :D but this car is quite special cause my cousin is a mechanic and he prepared the car (which was a mess of metal and cables when I saw it for first time!) to be ready for the wedding. Quite impressive work, he re-made the entire car with pieces from others.

They are leaving first, and then they are going to take pics to some place with the photographer. Meanwhile, all the guests are going to the place where we are about to eat. They will bring some appetizers while waiting again for the couple.

This time, they have chosen one of the best places I have seen for a wedding.. EVER. This place is Finca Galea. It is a kind of "water museum" that I remember since I was born, it is just 10 min. walking far from my home in Alfoz. Time ago, the place was hired or bought (I dont know very well) for a company that shares benefits with the original owners. This company introduced many commercial activities and improvements, such celebrations of weddings, events, catering,... in general an expansion of the business.

When wife and husband arrive, they are still making pics with guests that require that (the place is worth a few more pics) and later we start eating the dinner (usually it's lunch, but this time they wanted dinner).
I have missed where the wife is throwing the bunch of flowers back, and the one who picks it will be the next having a wedding. I guess this is quite a spread tradition worldwide.

One of the things that I missed when I was in a wedding in the south of Spain was the GOOD and ABUNDANT FOOD. We, galician, are known because of being good big eaters and by our good fish and seafood.
So, in a galician wedding, seafood is a must, as many dishes that will make you to be all the full you want.
This time we got as seafood (I will link pics of the way or similar we ate those): lubrigante (I cannot find the translation in english, but a kind of lobster, one of our most expensive seafood) , almejas (clams) and langostinos (king prawns). Later rape (monkfish) with potatoes, and after a kind of tangerine sherbet, then ternera (veal meat) with potatoes. Afterwards the dessert, and finished, of course all joining galician wine (our best wines are white wines which join fish and seafood quite fine).
It is a kind of tradition as well that there must be a fish dish and afterwards a meat dish.
Obviously I didnt finish everything, few people could! and I think it's a bit of waste of food, cause I dont know what they will do with so much remaining dishes (at the time of the meat we were quite full already)

Then it is time to push a bit down all the food with some dancing time.

There is a guy (sometimes 2 or 3 making karaoke) trying to make more enjoyable our digestion with awful latin music playing from his pc all the sh.. succesful cumbias, merengues, and salsas that came from south american fields.

After dinner pic of my cousins, yes they are twins, and born the same day my brother did!

Then it is time for their presents, the wife is distributing for women and the husband for men. They are usually quite old-traditional presents: men are usually having a big cigar, and women some ornament or jewelry.
After that, the real party starts all night long with dances and so on. I have been in weddings with just a small group that made karaoke, others with DJ, others with a small orquesta (dont think about classical orchestra or something like that, I will try to explain at the end of this text what is that XD) and this time they hired one of the biggest galician orquestas, one called Panorama, which brought their own light and video show.

The first ones dancing are the couple, and they start always dancing a waltz.

Then all the others are joining till morning comes.

Close there is a place where you can get all the drinks you have, we call it here "barra libre" (open bar).

An "orquesta" is a music band that plays mostly in the summers around the spanish geography. Each one of the towns -even the most little ones- have their own party in summer, and they are hiring these "orquestas" to make enjoyable their celebration. They are playing mostly latin and easy-listening/easy-danceable stuff, but they dont compose anything, they just make cover songs. Some "orquestas" became very famous and they have hundreds of concerts all the summer and even autumn or spring. The biggest ones work almost like an enterprise and have an amazing system sound and scenary. But.. they are sometimes suspicious of not really playing music and just push the play button (it happened more than once that people realized some of them were not playing their instruments).
I have some friend playing in orquestas, and they are winning quite a lot of money, but they are having concerts almost everyday in summer, so it must be a very stressful job.
I would change hiring "orquestas" for hiring bands, but people want better to have all the summer hits and old spanish traditional songs and latin stuff in one.