
miércoles, septiembre 30, 2009

Comunicación internacional non verbal

Como estou un pouco vago para escribir todo outra vez, collerei e modificarei levemente a miña resposta cando estaba a discutir sobre este tema das fillas de ZP noutro foro e de paso sirve como comentario ó anterior post:

Que poden ir pola calle así ou por onde queiran? ninguén o pon en duda. Pero que se vaia a certos actos nos que se require unha certa seriedade pola importancia intrínseca do evento sí que non me parece ben -máis ben pareceme ridículo-.
Imaxinadesvos tamén por exemplo que en lugar de dar a man ó Obama, as rapazas lle chocaran a man cunha palmada tipo "qué pasa hermano! psssssyeh!". Por suposto hai unha libertade de expresión a facer eso, pero baixo o meu punto de vista queda coma unha falta de respeto, e coma esa, pode haber centos de cousas, entre as que incluiría a vestimenta.
¿Porqué falta ó respeto e a quén?
Pois falta de respeto a un valor socio-cultural de seriedade. Ainda que un sociólogo podería falar mellor ca mín de esto, a nivel global tense concebido como seriedade, cortesía, respeto, ou chámalle x, por exemplo a un traxe e corbata no mundo occidental (bueno, e incluso no asiático tamén) para os homes.

Normalmente intento emparentar todo o que vexo con parte dos meus estudios, e mirando esto foi un flash casi instantáneo en canto a diferencias culturais en negocios internacionais. Pode que vos choque que esto se poida estudiar, pero así foi XD
Cando un grupo empeza a ter relacións internacionais ou expandir mercados, é casi obligatorio observar os protocolos e cultura dos países ós que vai (ainda que tan sólo sexa para unha mera reunión), e foron numerosos os casos de empresas que se levaron batacazos por facer caso omiso a tales temas. Considero que aclimatarse a un entorno diferente (neste caso das nenas, axustarse ó protocolo de vestimenta para visitas de importancia) é de caixón, penso que se debería de modificar un pouco a "nosa maneira" de facer as cousas, se non queremos caer en faltas de respeto (que ó fin e ó cabo é o que eu trato de comentar con respecto a foto de ZP). E diría que eso se pode facer sin perder a nosa personalidade nin moito menos ( se as rapazas levaran unha muñequera de cuero, un colgante, ou o que sexa que non fose especialmente cantoso, ahí eu xa non diría nada!)

A ver, exemplos (sacados dos meus apuntes, e moi curiosos algúns):

  • Apuntar con el índice a la mejilla y girar el dedo significa elogio en Italia. El mismo gesto, pero en la sien, significa “estar loco” en la mayoría de los países europeos y de América Latina.
  • Los griegos y los búlgaros inclinan la cabeza hacia delante para decir “no”, mientras que los yugoslavos y los hindúes mueven la cabeza de una lado a otro para decir “sí”. Los árabes voltean la cabeza hacia arriba para decir que no.
  • Filipinos, tailandeses y malayos sonríen continuamente por cortesía. Los indonesios sonríen antes de dar una mala noticia para reducir el efecto negativo en la otra parte. Muchas veces los japoneses no se ríen por algo gracioso, sino para dar salida a situaciones de incertidumbre, vergüenza, tensión o pena.
  • Los árabes miran a los ojos todo el tiempo y de forma intensa como para descubrir qué hay detrás de la persona a la que miran. Los escandinavos aprecian el contacto ocular como señal de sinceridad.
  • Los británicos suelen mirar a la otra parte después de iniciar la conversación o para indicarle que es su turno de hablar.
  • En México o Japón la mirada directa se considera un gesto agresivo y una falta de respeto.
Contacto físico
  • Los escandinavos, los norteamericanos y la mayoría de los países asiáticos evitan el contacto físico con sus interlocutores.
  • En las culturas latina el contacto físico -el abrazo- se produce entre personas del mismo nivel social que han desarrollado una relación personal.
  • Los árabes y los rusos son los más proclives al contacto físico, colocando el brazo o tocando el hombro de la otra persona los primeros, y mediante besos y abrazos efusivos los segundos.
  • No debe usarse la mano izquierda para pasar objetos o comida en países como Singapur, Malasia, Corea del Sur, Arabia Saudí, Indonesia o India, pues se considera que está sucia, ya que es la que se utiliza para limpiarse después de ir al baño.
  • Las señas para llamar a alguien moviendo la mano con los cuatro dedos juntos y la palma de hacia arriba es aceptable en Europa y Estados Unidos, pero es un signo de grosería en Japón, Singapur o Tailandia, al igual que lo sería en España hacerlo con la palma hacia abajo.
  • Para los europeos del Norte y los asiáticos la postura más correcta es sentarse erguido con los pies juntos sobre el suelo. En muchos países asiáticos cruzar las piernas está mal visto.
  • Los norteamericanos prefieren mostrarse más informales en las reuniones y tienden a sentarse adoptando una postura cómodo y relajada.
Cando vaias por exemplo a unha mezquita e o tio que esteña á porta che diga que o sitio para os zapatos é ese, e que se a túa acompañante non ten velo, pois que él lle pode prestar un, e se non o quere levar non podedes entrar, ¿tamén habería que lanzar as mans ó ceo con sonora aclamación "esto é un escándalo, Pereira!" "estanme a coartar a miña libertade de visitar unha mezquita cos meus tenis favoritos!!"??? (Caso personal de cando estivera de visita en Ankara)
Eu creo de verdade que hai certos actos, certas situacións e certas ceremonias formales -visitar ó presidente de EEUU non é coma visitar ó veciño, ó igual que se tes unha cea de traballo con futuros clientes non é igual que si te vas de tapas cos colegas- nas que un ten que moderarse no vestir, ainda que tan sólo sexa por respeto -que xa é bastante-. Non creo que atente contra ningunha liberdade personal nin dereitos humanos.

Miña opinión.

lunes, septiembre 28, 2009

As fillas góticas do Presi Zapatero

Este fin de semana estiven un pouco ausente de internetes e blog, e por suposto de msns e redes sociales ás cales xa lles teño collida un pouco de manía desde fai un tempo, así que me enterei un pouco tarde do que foi a noticia de metal do finde: a foto de Zapatitos coa familia e con Obama. Recordo que estaba no bar Brasil con Marcos o sábado e vimos a uns vellos cunha foto na que vín a Zapatero... Logo de comentarllo a Marcos estivemos pensando.. vaia xente máis rara que anda con fotos do presidente de España na carteira XD
A sorpresa foi ontes cando me enterei de que esa foto fora bastante comentada debido a que saían na foto as fillas de Zapatero, cousa que nin sabía que tiña fillos, nin probablemente o resto de España tampouco. A polémica sobre dita foto ven por 2 bandas:
- Por unha, parece que o ZP tiña especial cuidado de que as súas fillas, de 13 e 16 anos se non recordo mal, saíran en ningún medio. Así que unha vez que Casablanca posteou esa foto, 1 hora e media despois, España estaba intentando quitala ou cando menos borrarlle a cara ás adolescentes por razóns de privacidade.... Moi tarde, as cousas en internet van a fume de carozo, e a foto xa foi divulgada en numerosas páxinas.
- Por outro lado, o que estivo dando que falar foi a pinta de "góticas" que contrastaban claramente coas corbatas de Obama e ZP, e que por parte de numerosos sectores AntiZp (e eu penso que outros moitos tamén) foi criticado como "esa é a educación que ZP inculca ós fillos... que salgan uns marginales frikis...", "para eso é o que vale a "educación para a cidadanía"" e demáis chorradas.

Foto censurada

Foto sin censurar

Bueno, eu hei de ser sincero e decir que ainda me rín bastante cando vin esto. Por suposto nin se me pasaba pola cabeza que as fillas de Zp foran góticas, e menos góticas cun estilo... tan peculiar XD, de feito esta foto parece tal cual que esteñan pegadas encima de Obama e muller con photoshop.

Estou tamén vendo que moitos dos que defenden a ZP, intentan argumentar que cada un é libre de elexir cómo deben vestir, e cómo actuar, outra vez confundindo libertinaje con liberdade baixo o meu punto de vista. E é que por suposto un pode levar a imaxe que queira, con máis ou menos estilo e/ou acertada XD, pero o que non é de recibo é que ante a visita a un xefe de estado un vaia en chandal, ó igual que cando nos vestimos para calquera acontecimiento especial. Para mín esta foto roza a falta de respeto e a ridiculez absoluta. Imaxinádesvos que na cámara dos diputados os ministros vaian, un con pijama porque "está máis cómodo", outro vestido con pantalóns rotos porque "sinteu añoranza dos tempos da movida madrileña", outro con tachas de cuero, outro co jersey anudado ó cuello, etc? ... e se foran así a unha reunión do G20? qué idea terían da seriedade de España?? Ainda que poida sonar agora un pouco raro nalguén que podería simpatizar con estes estilos musicales -non tanto na moda visual, para mín completamente superficial e "de pose"- esta foto dame un pouco de vergüenza ajena.

Por suposto, unha vez que foi difundida por internet, os comentarios e montaxes non tardaron en chegar, he aquí uns poucos que me fixeron especial gracia:

Ah! unha con immortal non podía faltar!!!

Esta tamén me fixo moita gracia XD

miércoles, septiembre 23, 2009

Can nervousism cause a boner in public?

Well that's what I asked myself after seeing this video from the X-Factor castings, and I recalled that one of Jean Claude VanDamme as well... oh maybe you didnt see those? ok first Steve in the audition:

That famous video of the belgian action-star actor.. obviously, this time wasnt because of .. nerviousism XDD

Soooo I guess learning some clues to hide your erection in public wouldnt be bad XD

martes, septiembre 15, 2009

3 years of Enuma Elis @ Blogspot

This is already the 3rd aniversary of this blog, and for this time I will stop the usual comediant-inspiration of most of my posts to make an exercise of recovering old thoughts and more personal things.
10th September 2006, I remember those days quite well, I was preparing luggage and being excited about everything. I was thinking as well that it would be too hard for me to send mails telling everything to everyone and posting pics and so on… few days before I read an article in a magazine explaining the boom of the blogging and making a review about the most famous ones. My brain shone for a while and I thought that would be the best way everyone could follow me, and not just about that.. there would be also interaction between them and me and even just between them, knowing some are living far from each others.
Inicializando I
Inicializando II

That was the beginning of this blog: it was thought like a diary, or a place that my friends could everytime go to see if I had some new or some adventure. I was aware that it was being followed by many many people though I didn’t place a counter, but the many comments per day and mails can be a good prove.

With the developing of my time like international student in Estonia, I started to be more comfortable with this blog thing, and I started to place some more different posts about thoughts or music or nonsenses, always in my native galician, mostly cause I didn’t have always so many news.

While having my last months there, I started being asked by erasmus friends about my blog. I guess if they searched something in google about “erasmus tallinn 2006 2007” my page was in the first lines… So some of them and some of my estonian friends asked me to write something in english. I didn’t have so much time and will, to be sincere. Some posts were quite long and lots of times I wasn’t close to the computer. With my coming back to Vigo, I was thinking about that… “hmm if I did a blog explaining my life to people from Galicia in galician, because I was far and they couldn’t know my stories… maybe now they are not so interested and the will of knowing is now on the side of the ones who are right now far from me…
That way, I started making a post about my trip to Ankara in english language when I was about to leave Tallinn. I started having criticism from my friends in Spain, but I really thought english would be more international and everyone should know a bit. At least that way all would understand something and I could even keep on practising this language.
Later I took just english language as the one of the blog, but I realized my spanish friends didn’t like it at all, they stopped watching the page massively cause “english is saturation”. The others from erasmus and estonians and rest of the world stopped as well little by little, maybe cause my posts started to be more about my likes than my life, and as well I cannot post often in summers due I am in my hometown without internet.

I was thinking again, and my solution was that I would use both languages, galician for stuff that I guess just people from Galicia would like to read, and english for concert reviews and musical stuff mostly. This way I must have even less visits in general, but I decided that I wont be influenced again by others about that.

In relation with life… things have changed a lot in these 3 years. The relation with that finnish, Reetta, is over and buried forever. I have never seen such person like her and don’t want to have any kind of relation with that one. I've never wished bad things to anyone but with this one it happened that it is the first time in my life that I really wish she gets everything bad she was spreading in her life towards others and she gets back all the suffering she caused. The only person in my whole life that I can say I will never forgive. I am not the same one after that, and I became much more distrustful about people in general. I was even so sad and disappointed with myself about the stuff with this person that I used this blog to release me after my coming back from Tallinn, and my surprise and anger was higher when I knew about usual visits from Jyväskylä (thanks magical internet widgets), it pissed me off quite a lot. When knowing my erasmus friends were having frienship with her through other channels, it made me more disappointed, because they knew what she did (even not all) and how she made me feel. One day I told the ones who were supporting me in Tallinn when I had bad times because of that “person” and the ones who somehow knew about the situation I had, that they should choose between both, cause I didn’t feel anymore like I knew whom I could trust or not and they knew enough about what happened. Anyway, I explained quite thoroughly and avoiding telling more private stuff than the one they already knew about the reason of my decision in that letter. My surprise was quite high when just 2 about 12 answered me.
As I couldn’t guess that, I told that a not-answering is much worst than telling your friend thinks wrong (as a friend who cared would say) and that I started not to know many people there. Later answers were worst: “oh this is a soup opera, cool” by Nadine or “you are a facebook freak” by Ottavio (unbelievable and totally stupid meaningless :O I'm starting to make generalizations about italian guys, and I am not finding almost anything that proves the opositte I think right now about those... people). Anyway, my good ones didn’t answer even a word, not Eray, not Lars, not Luis, not Manu, not Marit (who later confirmed that she prefers being friend of her, even that she stayed at my home and shared stuff with her -blablabla empty words, meaningless support, meaningless friends, I see it clearer than ever-), and that disappointed me quite a lot (I’d need to say thanks from heart to Sirly and Petri). I told them good luck in life, but that having friends who don’t worry about you is like having nothing. So I just erased them from my life. I have them in that msn, but I stopped logging there by other reasons of tiredness. Anyway, I wont be the one who talks to them if I see them online. I dont see anymore either any visit from their countries to the root of this blog, so it confirms me that they are worrying for their own lives and stopped caring about friends from the past, otherwise they would send at least a mail or something to ask how I felt. Never in this 2 last years.
I just can see some visit from Chicago from another friend of that finnish, Hasan, seemed not a bad guy when I met him in Tallinn.

My bad times here joined that disappointment with this new one, and it happened something I couldn’t expect. People that werent erasmus, estonian ones that I shared most of my time in Spring-Summer, and people that I met on the way, like Gokçen, even people that I met later, like Evelin, were my main support. I will always be grateful to Gokçen and Evelin, really. I realized erasmus was just another world, and it is kind of what I think now. Many people there are just “living the day”, having “friends of the day”, or maybe “friends that I can visit later in their respective countries”. I don’t know, but my thinking about erasmus changed enough, though it doesn’t mean I change my opinion about that year, which was one of the best of my life, no doubt. But what I didn’t expect is that afterwards… there is few of that communication between those who shared almost one year. Just some few people showed me the opositte, and I hope I never lose contact in future… my favourite couple from Coimbra Joao & Mara, Thomas, Ewelina, Bocki, Yan, Rebecca…

As I said, my opinion changed about many of those who once were my support and I was their support in erasmus, and in the moment of erasing from my worries, I must say that it wasn’t that rough. I just did it. Didn’t feel pity, didn’t feel anything, it was like “not anymore worth to keep here”, I guess they have their lives and don’t worry too much anymore about past, or maybe they are just better friends with that one (even more amazing).
But my opinion didn’t change about the estonian ones. Right now I was just checking the myspace and facebook page of Janne, chat company many nights that she had to be working in the lobby of the Academic Hostel. I just know she left to Belgium because of a guy, but I have no clue about her, and I feel a bit sad cause she didn’t update any new from her life since a lot of time and didnt reply my greetings.

Time later I met Airi, and after knowing each other for enough time, she made me and still makes me to forget about all this bad stuff about “friends of the moment” and “mentally disturbed one from Finland & lovers”. And I wish she will go on...

I didn’t say anything about spanish friends cause I didn’t want to talk to them about that stuff. Little by little and time later I started telling tiny things, but I prefered to not to chat, maybe I should release a bit before.

Since that, life is getting better. When I arrived from Eesti, Vigo Univ. logged me automatically in the Erasmus help for newcomers in Vigo. And it was a great year, being tutor of a nice polish girl called Karolina. Last year, maybe because of all that stuff I was suffering and being disappointed, I didn’t want to help anyone or have relation with erasmus. Hopefully, Kaisa from Eesti told me that one friend was going to come here and if I could help him... Not my intention to come back to Erasmus Vigo life, but I couldn’t say no to meet another estonian and help him. Somehow I feel really linked to that country and with their people. And it was finally a great year. I really wouldn’t know what I’d do if Mark and Karolina (another student) werent here. I went out with them even more than with my local friends, that keep going to the fanciest places of Vigo, which I really don’t like at all. Those erasmus were much more alternative and they were eager to go to other kind of places, and like me, don’t like to spend time in queues, dressing elegant and paying expensive drinks.

Then, here comes this year, and I recovered from my little upset about international students, I logged again in the help and tomorrow.. hmm today already, my student is coming. Let’s see how this year is going on, but anyway, I feel better than previous times about that.. and I’d really like to meet again someone from Estonia (I know there is one per year coming to Vigo) so great as Mark. At the moment I already know 2 from this year: Florian from Germany and Kevin from USA, they seem pretty good people.

About life… winds of change are coming. Univ is getting finished, hope soon… and my brother is thinking about changing flat and being finally alone. I would like to make lots of trips after I finish, my friends are already saying that I must step off in Berlin, Poland.. all on the way to Estonia.. hmm I will see, I just know that my visit to Tallinn is a must. Later.. I really don’t know if I should start searching for job there.. who knows… life is unpredictable.

jueves, septiembre 10, 2009

A moda black metal nas pasarelas?

Como diría Abbath: "eeeeeeeeeeeló!"
Pois si, de mans dun diseñador brasileño, sabemos que o corpse paint típico do black metal pode ser perfectamente adaptable ás pasarelas e á moda do día a día. Xa tardades en poñervos o potingue blanco e negro na cara e saír ás rúas demostrando cánto á última estades!!

Esperade un pouco porque tarda en cargar, pero ésta é a páxina do diseñador e a súa colección primavera 2008, xa vedes que me enterei un pouco tarde da noticia, pero ainda estades a tempo de armarnos de cinturóns de balas e maquillaxe blackmetaleiro, seredes a envidia de todos ;)

Ó abrir a páxina podedes ver como 16 televisións, pinchade na 3ª por arriba, chámase Catwalk SS 08 e veredes imaxes dos modelos desfilando coma se de estrellas del metal fosen :D pero non sei, a mín hai unha cousa que non me acaba de cadrar...
hmm xa...
....faltan AS POSES!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha con poses xa cambia a cousa!

miércoles, septiembre 09, 2009

Behemoth n#1 in polish music charts 3 weeks in a row

Evangelion has now entered its fourth week in the Polish music charts coming in at the #1 spot three weeks in a row and one week at the #2 spot, just behind MICHAEL JACKSON.

Guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski comments, "It's unheard of. Evangelion is storming the charts in Poland and we've been three weeks in row number one selling record in our home country. How insane is that? If someone had told me this few months ago I would have never believed that this conservative country can embrace us so much. Things are changing. And it feels good. I''m grateful and happy that people dig this record so much... again, I want to thank everyone who picked up his copy of Evangelion. It means a lot!"

Evangelion's first week worldwide chart numbers:

Poland: #2
Finland: #17
Austria: #45
Germany: #59
Switzerland: #88
Netherlands: #5 (Indie Charts)

#56 Billboard Top 200
#5 Billboard Hard Music Albums
#6 Billboard Independent Albums

#61 Top 200 Current Albums
#6 Independent Chart
#10 Hard Music Chart

viernes, septiembre 04, 2009

As cousas que un se atopa... Boiro Fecal (?)

Non sei qué tipo de proxecto é este, si está patrocinado polo concello de Boiro ou non... pero é bizarro de carallo!
Ó principio hei decir que me fixo gracia polo inesperado... da forma de falar... despois aburreume pola mitad soberanamente e remata cunhas imaxes un tanto hmm sobrantes? non sei pero non o pillo. O único que sei é que eu pensaba que conocía xente que se lle iba a pinza, pero estes vanlles á zaga...
PD: estes copiaronnos a idea do teclao-flauta-acordeón (comosechame) + metal, Marcos! XD

Videos tu.tv

jueves, septiembre 03, 2009

ICS Vortex & Mustis fired from Dimmu Borgir

First, the update from Dimmu Borgir:
"We regret to inform you that we have parted ways with both Vortex and Mustis. However, we do want to make it perfectly clear that the creative force in the band is highly intact, perhaps even more so than ever. With that being said, we're currently working on our next album and are excited to start a new chapter in the legacy that is Dimmu Borgir."

The comment Mustis wrote in his webpage:
"Attention to all the worldwide fans of my work with Dimmu Borgir. I feel that I must begin my note to you all by saying that your dedication and interest in my musical work with Dimmu Borgir has been greatly appreciated by me for many, many years and you all have motivated me to continue to push the creative envelope farther each and every day. You might be able to see where this note is heading and if you are thinking correctly you will know that I am informing you all that I am no longer associated with the band and have left the ranks of Dimmu Borgir effective immediately.

My departure was not entirely of my own accord and while I had felt this change was something imminent for my future, my time had been spent addressing the fact that many songs written by me had not been registered properly under my name in their credits. Without naming every single track, let us just say that a good majority of albums like "Spiritual Black Dimensions", "Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia" and "In Sorte Diaboli" would have been vastly different had I not composed and created as much as I actually did. Sadly, based on terrible gaps in the communication process and a failure to find logical rationale for why this had been done this way found me hitting wall after wall as opposed to finding a professional and reasonable solution to the problem. My inquiries and investigation into the issues which I wished to resolve and move on from would in the end find me being fired from the group. No discussions about it, just "goodbye" (via text message).

I can say to you that this was not a new dispute and is something that has been going on for some years and since these are my individual creative rights and work that are being denied of me, we shall now let the resolution come from the lawyers instead of dealing with more dishonesty and lies on a one on one personal level. On this I cannot say anymore because we will be walking into sticky legal territory. I mentioned earlier that my fans have motivated me to create great music again and again and they should know that I will continue to do this and shall return to them in the not too distant future with material that I hope will keep their musical needs fed. In advance I will say that I thank you for notes and texts of support and ask that you please understand that there is not much more I can say on this, nor will be able to answer every single message that I get. I ask you to please keep tabs on my official myspace page. I will do my best to post what I am legally allowed to share with you so you remain informed."

Meanwhile Simen Hestnæs (aka ICS Vortex) might be preparing with other members the returning of Arcturus due this unexpected event.
"I've really enjoyed the ride, the Dimmu years have been awesome. I look forward to concentrating fully on my own project now, and the opening possibility to resurrect a band or three.
A special thanks to all the crazy and lovely people I have met on the road with Dimmu over the years, for the support from so many of you, and for the continuing interest in my musical projects.

I will always treasure the albums and the brotherhood as it was before the cabin-fever,music industry and greed went Metallica on our asses.

My support goes to Mustis, the true creative force in Dimmu for thelast ten years,and his rightful legal chase."

And finally, the answer of Dimmu Borgir, after the statement of Mustis:
"Man, what a shitstorm response!

Too bad all the shit is thrown in the wrong direction.

Oh, well, what else could we expect?

We don't blame you as you still haven't heard the other side, the band's side.

We have put up with unprofessionalism and bad live performances for years. This couldn't be ignored anymore as we firmly believe the fans deserve the best on both records and shows.

First of all, a big thank you to those who still have their own mind intact and believe in the music of the band and not only judge by what is falsely accused in statements posted online by recently fired members based on their ignorance, bitterness and greed. A quite normal human response when being disappointed, but we hope you kept in mind the saying that goes: 'Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide…' but: 'Only when we're calm we'll be able to listen.'

We have a feeling, judging from some of you and your 'jump-to-conclusion'-type of comments and responses, that some of the reasons that are about to be explained might as well end up as too much for you band member 'fans' to grasp the magnitude of, or to handle. We'll give it a try.

The true fans of the band and its music already have shown their support and understanding without us having to explain it to them in detail. But for the rest, anyways, here goes:

Let us give you a few things to chew on — perhaps especially to those of you that have already taken sides. Some of it concerns both Vortex and Mustis collectively; some of it is separately based issues. And yes, it might come as a surprise to some of you but they were fired with a reason.

To make it seem less of a soap opera and less embarrassing, if this is even possible at this point, for those it concerns, we'll keep things simple and straight to the point.

On a side note and in comparison, just keep in mind that people have been fired for way less in this and other bands before. So for those of you who think we didn't try and make this work and did this out of anything else but what we thought was best for the band, please think again and consider the following written words below carefully. At the same time, as we hate to ruin the idea of how some of you guys perceive this band and its members both in a positive and negative way, those of you who care deserve to hear the truth and here are a few excerpts, out of many, we might add.

Let's put things in perspective for a second: For someone to be in a band, on any level, first there's got to be commitment and dedication, a drive and urge to do what you do, whether you're part of the songwriting process, planning the touring part, business part, the administrative part or simply just the performing part — doesn't matter which one you're mostly involved in. However, you need to be involved in some of it to a certain extent to be considered and treated as a member and you have to show some sort of level when it comes to responsibility, not only for yourself but for others around you as well.

Over the course of 10 years period, there's also something you either develop the comprehension of or you don't (most develop this basic approach way sooner), called 'understanding of how things are run.' We know it sounds blunt, but it's important that this is being enforced on behalf of everyone involved within a band and its working partners. After time, you've got to know and accept your place and what role you have taken and your ability therein; the sooner you do this, the better. Remember, you still — at the same time — have to continue to earn your place and work for it, respect it and nurture it like a child, even after years of success. It doesn't come for free, it doesn't stay for free and it doesn't leave for free either. We're all replaceable.

Are you part of a band for the right reasons? And do you really want this? What are your thoughts on the aspect of being away from home over shorter and longer periods of time performing for your fans? Are you aware of the sacrifice you have to still do after all these years to be able to continue this and are you aware of the workload and the sacrifice not only the other members have done and still do, but also people working with the band in other areas have done over the years, while you haven't?

You need to do your part, or at least do an attempt to be given a fair chance of survival, even if it's not as much. Certain simple basic things, which are spawned out of common sense, those are the things we expect from you. That's if you want to be looked at as a member of a music group and be taken seriously.

The things mentioned above are all obvious factors and basic principles you need to be square on and aware about; if not, you're wasting yours and other people's valuable time.

Further down is a couple of things Vortex and Mustis simply 'forgot' to mention in their previous statements respectively. Also the fact that Mustis' statement(s) not being written by himself but by someone else means it is false accusations and have been registered as such by our lawyers.

Lesson number one, the obvious one: Don't forget to bring your instrument when you're about to play a festival in which you're going to perform in front of thousands of fans that have travelled far and paid money to see you play. Maybe you haven't been into it so much the last couple of years and it's — on top of that — an early flight; you feel things are a bit tedious — no worries, we all experience this from time to time but we know the deal by now after so long, and so many years. Or, so we thought. But we shouldn't have to remind you to bring your own instrument to a gig. For that there's no excuse, neither will we accept one.

Lesson number two, a less obvious one and can easily be forgotten while under the influence but still: Don't hurt yourself in an alcoholic rage smashing a glass to your forehead, putting yourself, your band 'mates,' crew, not to mention the show(s), in jeopardy. Remember, the money you care so much about getting, compared to the minimal of effort you put in won't be paid out to you or anyone else in the band if the show(s) doesn't happen. You have responsibility. We suspect this weren't part of your calculation, obviously none of us are perfect but as a grown up person, we expect more. Luckily for you, the makeup covers the cut from the smashed glass on your forehead onstage.

You did manage to get away with general bullshit, classical cocky, rock-star attitude and carelessness — this time too. You wouldn't get away with it at home around your family so what makes you think it's fine to behave like an asshole around your band members, your family away from home? On-stage equals posing, off-stage it's a no-no. But, contrary to other times in the past, there simply won't be another chance and you know so goddamn well why you're not given yet another. Suddenly we're the bad guys because you expected another shot out of mere habit, just because we were too nice in the past to grant you another one and another one.

Your stage sound and set-up we won't bother to address anymore. Your stage performance lately we won't bother to mention either. You know why you're not part of this band anymore, don't make excuses and make it look like it's someone else's fault when you very well know it was you alone who put you where you are right now.

Now, auctioning off your band's most recent album on eBay, only signed by yourself, can't be looked upon in any other ways as pure greed, not to mention mockery, towards the rest of the members of the band that you're still in, AND the fans. Attempting to sell a CD of the last album (which you can still get hold of in shops) with only your signature on it for the highest bid is a remarkably low act.

Instead of getting hold of some work to do, if money is what you so desperately seem to be needing (while you actually maybe rather should be considering working on ideas for a new album if you're so concerned about being credited correctly), you rather believe the easiest and fastest way to money must simply be to start a blackmailing procedure against the other members in the band holding important files as ransom — files that are the band's property which we need for future projects that would bring you money later eventually, in one way or another. Now it won't. Not a very smart and thought out thing to do. Not to mention the fans now have to wait for these special releases because your ego for some odd reason is hurt and in total control. These files, which we handed over to you in good trust over a year ago as a band member and what we'd consider a brother despite your lazy ass, not surprisingly you haven't even touched it as part as bonus features special of a re-release campaign including certain albums. Instead, you threaten to sue your fellow band members for neglect and not treating you right monetary-wise.

Isn't it typical? You both want to harvest the fruits, but putting labour into it yourself is not so important. See how long that'll last in real life. Ironically, it lasted this long with the band, finally now that time is over.

This shouldn't be acceptable. So what do we do? We don't accept it. After all these years wiping people's asses and feeding their mouths, we're forced to take on another strict angle, like you do with kids when nothing else works. To be forced to almost constantly spend energy on dragging someone to practice for instance and be part of a unit — a force, is tedious for the rest of us. Always an excuse not to do what's expected of you.

To the best of our efforts, we've tried to explain over and over, again and again, how the business side of things works, but when ignorance is bliss and the people it concerns fail to even meet at band business meetings, later not understanding and realizing because of the obvious fact that they weren't present, the deal is then suddenly we're 'hiding something' and 'I must get ripped off, there's no other logical explanation!'

Sounds familiar to some of you readers?

But on the contrary, we've not been afraid of encouraging the use and exploration of talents of other members elsewhere while still being in the band. We have even handed over major projects on a silver plate but to not even bother replying to such offers speaks volumes. We can't do that job for you too. What about the talk of a certain 'solo' project for the last 10 years? Where is it? Talk, that's what it is. Talk and no action.

Still complaining, not trusting your partners for the last 10 years when receiving a pay check, worth way beyond your song'writing' ability and what you're already credited for is fair in your eyes. It's amusing and at the same time sad to see how little reflective and humble grown people can be sometimes; or in this particular case, most of the time.

Stop acting like composers and songwriters until you have written and released something on your own that's worthwhile and we'll see how well you do.

To quote Vortex in his very own statement: 'I have really enjoyed the ride!' Sure you have, it's been for free! Either because of lack of interest, dedication, understanding and capability or all of those.

So a word of advice: For those of you who'd wish and would want to work with either of these guys in the future, please be prepared to discuss business first since the art of music comes secondary.

We believe there's no need to go into further details; it'll be highly embarrassing. It already is for the rest of us and most sane people get the point by now. If you feel you haven't been appreciated, this goes for both, then why did you accept the large sums of money all these years that has been handed out to you? It was convenient, wasn't it?

For how much longer should we accept a service on stage that has slowly deteriorated over the last few years which we know other bands wouldn't tolerate, seeing as your performance simply wasn't good enough and your self-critical view was like zero. Explain that. But you wanted the cash, pretty typical. Give someone something even if they don't deserve it just to keep everyone happy and they want more of it. Don't take credit for something you haven't written.

If you knew how to arrange and write a song, you would have already, just like the rest of us. But no, your lazy ass is too 'busy' complaining about not getting what is 'rightfully' and 'legally' yours. Funny then, how the new album is halfway finished written already by the rest of us without any of these guys' input, still having all those elements we're known for. Even having obligations and work with other bands simultaneously on the side. But those who still believe in the band and its music, and not in recently fired members' bitterness, greed and fear of what's around the corner, will understand this when the next opus is out.

We could write a book about previous members and their separate reasons why they're not in the band anymore, but we believe you don't want to hear most of it by now.

This wasn't an issue of the typical 'musical differences' bullshit statement either. Other bands cover up their shit with that worn-out excuse, but musical differences is exactly what makes this band sounding unique. Sadly, some of the members lost the focus along the way; some people close to the band will say they did that a long time ago, and for that there was simply nothing we could do anymore. We can't force people to do something they obviously don't want or care about. We tried — but they didn't. Our patience and goodwill is not everlasting.

So for those of you who still think we owe them more than a phone call or an e-mail letting them know their 'services' are no longer wanted and needed, think again. We just had enough and for that we're not sorry. We're only sorry it didn't work out in the end.

And to those who think greed played a part in this, so absolutely, and now you know whose careers are run by it and whose isn't.

See you soon,
Galder, Shagrath & Silenoz."

This pics seems a bit prophetic... XD (we are the rulers!!!)

miércoles, septiembre 02, 2009

Ancient Pagan Vastlands

Por se queredes descargar algún disco de pagan-viking-folk metal, tanto actuales como históricos: este é un proxecto de Falgarth ao cal me invitou a colaborar e xa vai correndo a bon ritmo :)

martes, septiembre 01, 2009

We are not all the same.. in Spain 00

This will be a collection of posts I decided to make in protest of the usual "topics" about "spanish things that I dont agree with or even feel ashamed of". I have had many problems choosing the name of this post, cause all the previous choices were too harsh at the end (I was thinking about "Stuff a spanish northman wouldn't like", "worth hating topics" or "Spanish crap" and few more...).
I was thinking about this since time ago, mostly since I was living abroad and people were convinced that we are all the same, and that we like the same things in Spain, we have the same traditions, the same folklore, and the same behaviours... If you didnt know this before, you might be surprised with the stuff I will write about, cause we are not all the same in Spain.