
sábado, mayo 31, 2008

Concerts of Skyclad in Galicia (2008-05-26 & 27)

I saw you in a magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.

Extra, extra, read all about it!

Last monday and tuesday were stressful days but worth. 2 concerts in 2 days, one in my city and one in another one, and with school in the middle can make you to be tired the rest of the week, believe me.
Anyway I'm happy I've done this and I would make it again if there is the future possibility.
So, first of all, sorry about the dark of the videos, my cam is not so good, but I hope I can put some more recorded with a better one from my friend. I will upload as soon as I can to this post other pics I wasn't given yet.

Monday, may 26th 2008 - concert of Skyclad in Santiago de Compostela

After classes I almost didn't have more time than to eat and go to Santiago de Compostela (1 hour far from here by car). We arrived and after some drink we went to the place, a very small one called TNT.
There weren't supporters, so Skyclad started. The concert had limited capacity of 70 tickets, and though the place couldn't stand much more, they weren't totally sold (I was told 62). It was understandable being monday.. but still... 62 people for one myth which made a total revolution of the Folk Metal worldwide like Skyclad is too few under my point of view. There are other ridiculous teenager-pseudo-folk-rock-metal like Mägo de Oz which are able to get even more than one thousand of people to attend to their concerts. Hopefully just in Spain, other countries have more taste in music. Anyway, each to his own.
Skyclad started with a electric show, playing their most known songs.. "The Widdershins Jig", "Spinning Jenny", "No Deposit No Return", "Penny Dreadful", "Earth Mother, The Sun And The Furious Host", the coversong "Swords Of A Thousand Men", the catchy "Another Drinking Song" and so on.. (sorry that I cannot remember, it was already days ago and I can mix it with the show of the next day).
I have to say at the beginning we were almost alone cheering. People stayed mostly behind and not very talkative...

Skyclad - The Widdershins Jig

Here I have to say, maybe it's a nonsense, but in that side I really missed a supporter band, starting so suddenly with the classical folk metal band was a bit sharp.
After those first songs, and finishing the first part of the electric part, people started to move a bit more. But it was something strange that people jumped to the first lines with the starting of the second acoustic part, cause it was supposed to be the calm part of the show, at least a bit more than the electric one (which we enjoyed completely, with few people around and jumping and making headbanging with not too much pushing and enough space :P:P). Maybe some drinks before can help...? XDD

Funny pic and funny moment when the micro didn't stay stuck and Mr. English was trying to put it right XDD

Skyclad - Spinning Jenny in Acoustic

The second part made us to get back cause people moved in front of the musicians, and started cheering much more than before. It was a good ambient indeed.
In the acoustic show in Santiago de Compostela, Skyclad played songs like "History Lessens", "Bury Me", which I enjoyed a lot, I didn't expect they would play that song, but it was even more surprising "Land of the Rising Slum", from one of my favourite albums from them: "Prince Of The Proverty Line", and which they totally forgot in the last visit to Vigo 4 years ago.
The bad point of this was that they played 3 times in the concert "Spinning Jenny"!! 1 in the electric part and twice in the acoustic show (in the middle and in the end). I think they have lots of songs for choosing between! Spinning Jenny is a strong one, but it would be enough to play that in the electric part (I liked it much more than unplugged).
Great show, people warmed up finally and good party, sound wasn't truly good, but it was ok.
Skyclad - Bury Me in Acoustic

Tuesday, may 27th 2008 - concert of The Travellers and Skyclad in Vigo

Back home and 4 hours slept... and back to school. My eyes were red, my neck hurting a bit, and my hair made a disaster, but I was ready to another assault :P. So again... faculty, rest a bit in the afternoon, and going to the second show in 2 days of Skyclad.
Here we had supporters, a band called The Travellers, folk metal from Vigo, they warmed up the show of the Tuesday making a mix of galician folk with electric guitars. They were not bad, they had 2 good guitarists and a good drummer (also drummer of Fallen Sentinel, another band of Gothic Black Metal from Vigo). Bassist and bagpiper were also ok, but the girl with the flute was totally out of tune, making sometimes it sounded really like "hey that flute is not tuned!!!"
Some moments of the band were actually not a good memory. But others, like guitar solos and drum solo were very good. The mix of galician songs and electric stuff could sound much better, I am sure if they have a better inspiration for creating songs they can reach a higher level like band.
Anyway it was a good warming for Skyclad.

They surprised us with a coversong from the last album of Nightwish with "The Last of the Wilds" wich sounded not very well, but it was a nice trying.
The Travellers - Last Of the Wilds

They did another cover song from a traditional galician folk melody.

Skyclad jumped quite fast over the scenary and they did even a better show for my taste than the previous day, sound was muuuuuch better than I expected for another small place like "La Fábrica De Chocolate" (once they had some noise with the output connector of some instrument quite harmful for our auditive capacity, but it was just a moment).

Skyclad - The Song Of No-Involvement

So better sound than Santiago, really powerful, but ... I'd rather to be again in Santiago.. why? public! they were soo silent and dull!!, just some few people in our part were jumping and singing, others just looking and clapping at the end of the songs. Just with the last 5 songs they started to wake up a bit... and I guess it was normal... Skyclad was doing an excellent party which was screaming "Join or Die" ;)

Skyclad - Another Drinking Song

Skyclad - Still Small Beer (new song from the upcoming album!) (thanks for the name, matze74yt ;) )

So they didn't have a acoustic time, just electric, and with some changes comparing to Santiago, of course Another Drinking Song, Spinning Jenny, No Deposit No Return, or Penny Dreadful were there, but they introduced other songs like "Emerald" or "Thinking Allowed", which the band played thanks to few people... (ese Palomo! ;) ) who were shouting for that. Kevin Ridley and the others noticed that and didn't have any problem in playing it. It rocked like hell, I have to say!
It was another great show, but it could be better if public here were not so boring.
Kevin, a good wine taster with a nice cup :P

Thanks for reading ;)

jueves, mayo 29, 2008

O Carabich ese XDD

Xusto agora está sendo o concerto aqui no IFEVI en Vigo de Lenny Kravitz, un artista que empezou por aló do 89 co seu primeiro disco, un total numero 1 nas listas de ventas estadounidenses.
Pero para saber quén é realmente este personaxe, decidinme a escudriñar algo na súa carreira musical(que non na súa vida).
En calquera lugar onde te metas a mira-la vida deste artista sempre salen as palabras "genio dos instrumentos" ou "admirable compositor" ou etc. etc. bueno bueno bueno...
Hai que decir que os comenzos deste rapaz foron bastante malos, parece ser. Foi un admirador de Prince, outro bon, que se supón que é un xenio multiinstrumentista pero que non o demostra facendo nada deso na súa música... a mín sóname a coma se eu digo que son un xenio do arte pero métome a pintar casas (o meu nombre e branding fará o resto para que a xente "admire" cómo pinto casas). Pois ben, este Lenny parece ser que foi un fiel imitador de Prince toda a súa adolescencia, ata que veu que era un auténtico fracaso (si, a pesar de ser un multiinstrumentista desde moi pequeno e blah blah non vendía nin para a familia).
Uns anos mais tarde parece que se dá de conta que o que realmente lle inspira é "clásicos como Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley o los Beatles y su estilo se volvió más fresco, alegre y auténtico".
Pois a verdade é que tivo que ser un cambio bastante radical para ser un fracasado que non sabía compoñer a pasar a firmar un contrato co xigante multinacional Virgin polo 1989 cun primeiro album "Let Love Rule". ¿Empeza a ulir algo raro non?
¿Que tal si seguimos con que a daquela absolutamente en voga Madonna no ano 1990 se fixa nel e co-escribe con el un tema máis, chamado "Justify my love" que chega directo a número 1 do Billboard?. Bueno a partir de esa todos coñecemos máis ou menos a carreira continuadamente exitosa de Lenny Kravitz.
Teño que decir que máis ou menos, porque tal e como a maioría de artistas pop, sobre todo artistas pop e rock das últimas 2 décadas, as décadas do crecemento do marketing como concepto e coma ciencia, estes artistas están absolutamente condicionados pola "Media". Nesta época o que meten máis polos ollos ou o que che saben vender mellor é o que acaba vendendo finalmente (sí, estou dicindo que a xente en xeral é parva e influenciable). A calidade musical que durante os 90 foi mínima e durante o 2000 en adiante seguiu a mesma senda a nivel global xa case que pouco importa. O mundo está globalizado, e o NEGOCIO MUSICAL non se salva. Tanto que a xente sería capaz de comprar cancións de musica basura feita a propósito (uno! el.. ) tanta que a xente non se preocupa de si o que está oindo xa sonou antes,... O poder do marketing ben feito, o marketing ben enlazado é unha ("a") fonte de riqueza para as compañías que viven dos seus negocios, que viven de vender os seus productos e servicios, neste caso dunha maneira global.

Volvendo ó caso de Mr. Lenny, coma ben podía ser o caso de centos e centos de artistas nos últimos tempos, estou seguro de que Virgin non veu boas cancións cando se fixou nel. O que veu foi un producto vendible, cun bo escaparate (a xente dice que é un tipo atractivo, será que eu son tío e non o vexo asi, creo eu que se estivera traballando nunha obra poucas se fixarían nel, unha vez máis... imaxen e venta de imaxen), unhas boas maneiras de rock-star, e cun par de cancións que cun pouco de promoción poderían ser éxitos. Tan só faltaba apoio, unha potencia que levara esa imaxen máis aló e por suposto non o poido asegurar, pero non me sorprendería que Virgin lle dixera a Madonna, unha das suas máis sólidas artistas que lle dera un empuxonciño á carreira do que eles crían unha posible fonte de ventas.
Tal vez agora se todos os que estan escoitando ese concerto ou fans de Mr. Lenny lesen esto, correríanme a collejas :D pero solamente aporto outro punto de vista diferente sobre os artistas, neste caso ligado ós meus estudios (música e marketing, os meus 2 intereses nos ultimos anos).
E a verdade é que realmente logo de oír a música de Mr. Kravitz, teño que decir que me parece máis que do montón. Tal vez o único positivo que poida decir é que ten unha voz particular, e que certos toques de algunhas cancións consiguen chamarme de vez en cando a atención, pero non chegan a máis. Considero que hoxe en día hai xente con moita máis calidade compositiva, pero non teñen o nombre Kravitz para nin tan sequera ser oídos ou valorados (e xa non digamos neste país onde a cultura musical está a un cero conxelado desde fai moito tempo e os novos artistas nin sequera son tidos en conta pola "media" niiin sequera para sonar unha vez na radio sen que haxa alguén detrás poñendo cartos para elo).
Bueno, volvendo ó tema... por certo! ¿quen me dice máis de 3 cancións de Lenny Kravitz? o outro día estiveno falando con máis xente e non o dabamos sacado .. tal vez preguntándolle á xente que está no conc... hm no quizáis tampouco... XD
Hoxe tomeina con este personaje coma a podía tomar con calquera outro, fose Manu Chao (un gran letrista onde os haxa............ outro ben sobrevalorado) ou Britney Spears ou o Chiki Chiki (ah no! espera que con este xa me ensañei XD) ou con Los Suaves (un grupo que me sigue sorprendendo por encher cada vez que fai concertos a pesar de que Yosi esteña acabado, o baixista se sente porque lle cansa estar de pé ou non sacaran nada decente desde San Francisco Express xa fai uns cantos anos, baixo o meu punto de vista). O fenómeno "fan" é algo que nunca entenderei, ¿haberá tanta xente con tan pouco criterio para asegurar que o novo que fai o seu grupo preferido sigue sendo o mellor, ainda que se repita coma o allo ou ainda que a calidade baixase dunha forma moi considerable con respecto a aquel/es disco/s cos que o enganchara???
Moitas veces me segue sorprendendo ver a xente que gustando o inicio ochentero de Metallica pode dicir que lle gusta Load, Reload e ademáis St. Anger (...)
Gustaríame probar qué pasaría se a un disco, xa que estamos, de Lenny Kravitz lle metese a voz Mr. Hetfield e o sacaran coma o "novo disco de Metallica". Posiblemente sería un superventas. E é que a palabra-marca Metallica é xa moi poderosa (esto ten que ver co que poñía nos comentarios do anterior post que falaba do Chiki Chiki (This is Spain)).
Ben, todo este tocho veu por 2 cousas preferentemente: por un lado oín a xente dicir que non iría a ver un grupo mítico coma Skyclad (10 €), que revolucionou todo o folk-rock-metal a nivel global, porque se gastaría a suma de 35 € en ver a este Pop-rock-star chamado Lenny Kravitz, xente que gusta do rock e metal (parece)... e logo tamen porque no periódico de ontes aparecía a noticia de que "Lenny Kravitz "sólo quiere" dos Mercedes S 600 último modelo" para a súa estancia en Vigo.
"Es una gran estrella y como tal quiere ser tratada" - parece que é o que dicen os do concello de Vigo... A min paréceme patético, absolutamente, tanto os "antojos" destes individuos coma unha resposta tal do concello, pero bueno, que cada un saque as súas conclusións...
Outra cousa que me chamou a atención e para INRI dos fans e que gusten da música de Kravitz, é que parece que non van poñer teloneros coma parece que levaba na súa última xira(coma normalmente fan os grupos grandes, ainda que sexa con bandas locales). Senón que .. tachán! para o previo os grandes do Concello de Vigo meteran a un DJ! e como non.. non vaia ser que o presupuesto se vaia moito.. un DJ de Vigo!!!.. ¿será o que pincha no Embassi? no Ferre? (...)
Supoño que ós que lles guste o pop e rock non estarán moi a gusto con oir música semi (ou toda) grabada que pincha un fulano que pode ser o que pincha no pub ó que suelen salir de marcha.. pero bueno..
Esto dos DJ's xa de paso é algo que che me toca ben os... non me vou meter moito co seu baixo coñecemento sobre música (obviamente para ser DJ non se necesita ir a un conservatorio nin moito menos, de feito teño un amigo que o aprendeu en 2 semanas e según decía a xente non o facía nada mal,... hm digo eu...que aprenda a tocar un instrumento musical en 2 semanas a ver cómo lle vai... ). Pero voume meter con que anden metendo estes individuos en todos os saraos: fai pouco uns amigos dixeronme que na festa da Marosa de Burela (norte de Lugo), unha festa eminentemente de Folk, meteron coma colofón a un DJ!!! pero bueno!!!! era para correlos a todos a paos XD ahora estoume rindo pensandoo, pero éche ben triste que teñan que recurrir a este tipo de solucións...
...ainda que sempre tiran as máis cómodas e baratas solucións...
como dixen... triste.

domingo, mayo 25, 2008

Funny video + cover song 02

Back to all the compilation of FV+CS

Bruce Dickinson falling down in the show Iron Maiden was playing at Donington 2007. Funny falling but Dickinson is great and really proffesional and goes on singing even laying down :)

Funny cover song of the classic 70's disco song "Rasputin" from Boney M. Turisas made it on their way with a really strange video.

miércoles, mayo 21, 2008

This is Spain.

Eurovision is near... and since time ago I changed completely my opinion about the spanish' representant.
Rodolfo Chikilicuatre is a comedian, an actor (David Fernández), and he is working in one TV program here in the channel La Sexta. The story about this ficticious character, I guess it was just a joke of the TV program, something like "let's laugh about that stupid contest, and let's make a ficticious freak who sings a parody about all the latin-shit-summer-commercial hits".
And it was like that at the beginning.
People started to laugh with it and it became really famous in few days. The top was when the song won with an awesome majority in the polls in myspace (a new method Spain wanted to prove just this year). So the first songs in those polls made a second stage; they put them in a special TV show where everyone of them had to sing their song.
TVE1, the public channel in Spain and host of Eurovision since the foundation of the contest was afraid, I think. They didnt want Rodolfo Chikilicuatre for the Eurovision Contest, first because here in Spain some (too much!) people are still thinking the contest is something serious and Spain has to put something "serious" there. The second and a bit more hidden is because of the competition between channels, La Sexta, the channel were the actor is working, and TVE1.
After that stupid show were lots of wretched singers were fighting to win and go to the ESC (Eurovision Song Contest), against all betting (cause they were telling all the show Chikilicuatre was a good joke but it was enough with that, yes! they were almost trying to convince people who voted from home to not to vote to the actor!), Rodolfo and his parody-song won with quite a distance from the second.
And here we start the second part, the part that I dont like at all.

After the show, the contract with TVE1 made him to change the lyrics of the song (it named some politicians)

"Lo baila Rajoy,
lo baila Hugo Chávez,
lo baila Zapatero,
mi amol, ya tu sabeh!"

He had to change the reference to the very famous sentence the king of Spain told to Chávez:

Lo canta el tigre puma con su traje a rayas

y Juan Carlos le dice: ¿Porqué no te callas?"

He had to be joined by proffesional dancers, of course very beautiful girls (they even did another TV show for voting the girls who would join him). He already had 2 dressed like him, who were making a clumsy and funny dancing, falling down many times and so on (at least they didnt take them out).

They made a longer song, cause it was too short, introducing other silly parts and in english language (they still think to win that nonsense they have to tell something in english) like this one:

"El Chiki Chiki is a Reaggetton
Dance in Argentina, Serbia and Oregón

Give el Chiki-Chiki to that little sister
with el Chiki-Chiki she´s gonna like it mister !

Dance it with Alonso, Dance it with Gasol
Dance it with your brothers, all around the world

Dance it with Bardem Dance it with Banderas
Dance with Almodóvar Dance la Macarena"

Someone made a stupid melody in the music, trying to not to sound so empty as the creators did (for parodying those stupid empty songs). So afterwards it was modified to sound just as those songs sound.

Summing up, they tried to make another song like all those I ment. Right now it became just the song it was a parody, and this is what I dont like at all.

It's a kind of fever here right now, all time sounding in TV advertisements, mobile melodies, mobile games, until the top... he became a brand, and the most disgusting thing: he became a somehow music star for children.
One friend of mine who is a teacher asked their young 10 year old students to sing a song in class, and all them knew word-by-word the song of "Chiki Chiki".
The lyrics of that crap-song are male chauvinist and the song is shit-bad (on purpose at first), so it's not exactly the best example for children. Moreover, this country has enough poor music culture. I can say maybe the worst country I have seen, and growing people like that will make it worst. I mean here there are no TV music programs (in ANY national channel (not talking about pay per view)) but one in the TVE2, the channel which has less audience, and that one is quite bad, they are talking more about the lifes of the (pop) artists than music itself.
Here people almost dont know anything about music, I have met already quite a lot of people that when there is an electric guitar they call it "noise" just in 2 seconds, and if there is something different this is just hated or called "freak". Moreover spanish bands are not famous for their originality (in every style). This lack is coming from the low music culture and it's an will be a cycle difficult to break.
This parody-song of reggaeton (the most awful style of latin music) became an "usual" reggaeton song. I have already heard in pubs the techno version or the original one, and people are dancing and smiling with it. Amazing.
I dont like anymore "Baila el chiki chiki", I strongly adopted the opposite position.

Really curious representant from Estonia.
I dont know the story about the band, but, being something that touches me since I lived in that country, I will put them here.
Another kind of "Chiki Chiki"?

I think I would vote anyway for Dustin, the irish turkey XDD

domingo, mayo 18, 2008

Funny video + cover song 01

Back to all the compilation of FV+CS

Sorry for the late writing a new post, but I was a bit busy last days, anyway, and like Keith Richards would say... "the later.. the greater.. XDD"
I decided to make some new thing here, I'm still doubtful about writing in galician or english, but I will take it as an english training and go on making half and half (because sometimes I really have to write something that just people from here can understand what's about).
Well, the new I want to introduce is to post every week one embarrasing or funny video and one cover song (but not the typical ones, I am tired of listening Whiskey in the Jar made by Metallica or some typical cover song of Maiden, Guns & Roses or AC/DC, ...)
So this is the first one
The embarrasing/funny video:
Mr. "virtuous" Fred Durst at the guitar from Limp Bizkit, making one of the best solos I've ever heard, putting that band in the place they really must reach ;)

The cover song for starting this game is:
The swedish band of DanceMetal, Black Ingvars doing a funny hard rock cover song from the pop star Britney Spears, "Baby one more time"

lunes, mayo 05, 2008

Tarja Dancing

I just made this today, when I saw in youtube the video of Tarja dancing with the song Walking in the air.
Espero que vos guste
Para os españoles e sobre todo gallegos non fai falta moitas palabras, eu a verdad, non sei con cal mo pasei mellor mezclandoo XDD
First version

Second version

jueves, mayo 01, 2008

Weird Al interviews

Paul McCartney

Keith Richards
(do you understand what he says???XDD)

Mick Jagger

Avril Lavigne

George Harrison

Lars Ulrich


Ozzy Osbourne

Which one must be the best?
I am doubtful between Ozzy and Keith XDD